hi thanks all for the replys.i have allready got the steel plus i want to keep it as strong as i can, the measurments i need are from the rear crossmember to the next crossmember ,just the same area as if i was going to do a halfchassis swap .
also i forgot to mention that mines a swb
nope Aluminium Oxide is a white powder - thats how they mine it - in rock form.
Yeah but dunt it corrode and create a covering which further oxygen can't get through, so it effectively galvanises itself by corroding? ...going back a few years to O level chemistry, that's how i remember it and one of it's important features?
hmmm...dunno - is it so we gets to fly in shiny planes and pay a bit more for our parking ay Newquay Airport?
S'funny that cuz ah wuz just typing: Cuz we like shiny planes an' they've got too much munee!
i dunno which is worserer - Grippa being considered the same as a Kernow peep = or the other way round:eek::rolleyes:.
hi thanks all for the replys.i have allready got the steel plus i want to keep it as strong as i can, the measurments i need are from the rear crossmember to the next crossmember ,just the same area as if i was going to do a halfchassis swap .
also i forgot to mention that mines a swb

ave you seen page 164 of the haynes manwell ?

shows back of rear to back of next xmember to be G (713.2mm) + EE (539.7mm)
you an trewy together eh ;)
and probly 90% of the population down ere too!!! I'm only a few miles out though, was bought up in Tavistock (home of the fairey!) which is a coupla miles over the border.
yeah thanks sean
i have seen the manual so i have all the dimmensions for the fixings&boltholes,what i want is the depth of the sides but you say you have 1 stripped so if you could be so kind as to post some pics of the sides i might be able to estimate where the chassis dips down at the back and how deep it is .
because if i am right it gets a bit deeper in depth over the rear springhangers thanks
int ya gorra torch then ??

yer it's a right good un








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