
Just replaced brake shoe and wheel rotates fine forwards but in reverse it grabs and locks the drum. I have checked every thing is assembled correctly. Just wondering if any body else has experienced this problem and how they over come it.
Stedsy, did chamfering cure the brakes? I've the exact same problem but all shoes, springs etc., are fitted correctly. I'd appreciate knowing if you've sorted the problem....
this is common - usually due to incorrect position of the springs and/or fitting the shoes back the wrong way so that the chamfer points the wrong way - or even winding the snail cam up to much

having said that i fitted a set of 11" shoes the other day and both trailing and leading edge had a sizable chamfer on them - however they were still handed due to the location of the snail adjuster pin and spring hook hole
On re-checking I found that the anchor plate was fitted to the leading brake shoe. Changed it to the trailing shoe. All fine and dandy now. I wish everything in life was as simple...

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