Having a problem with a rear brake on my S3. When adjusting the brakes I found that the osr wheel would spin freely forwards, but lock up when spun backwards. Same under power with vehicle on stands: fine in forward gears but in reverse osr wheel locks and all drive to nsr. I’ve stripped the brakes, replaced the cylinder which I assumed was sticking, & fitted new adjuster, springs & pads (Mintex).(I've seen threads which suggest that the leading and trailing edges are different, but on the Mintex pads the lining is exactly the same distance along the shoe on leading & trailing edges.) I get the same result when re-assembled. I’ve pulled the half-shaft out to eliminate any transmission component; its definitely the brakes. It seems that the rear shoe, which is the leading shoe in reverse, grabs and locks the wheel when the wheel is rotating backwards, and when I examine with the drum off the rear piston isn’t being pulled fully back in by the spring at the bottom, allowing the leading edge of the rear shoe to grab the drum. I’m at a loss to understand this. Is the new (Britpart) bottom spring just too weak? Any suggestions please?
Had similar problem with my SWB Series 2. On investigation I was surprised to find that one cylinder on each side had seized.
I replaced with Delphi cylinders and renewed all the springs with Britpart items. Cleaned the backplate and resembled with coper grease on all moving surfaces.
But not the shoes !
All good so far.

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