
New Member
Hi all, Mark from Ramsbottom, Lamcashire
Picked up a 1981 88" Series 3 2.25 Diesel a couple of years back as something of a hobby/labour of love.
All going well until a couple of weeks back when she refused to start.
Replaced all the glow plugs (Parallel System) - still refusing to start
Replaced fuel filter, bled system through filter and injector pump - still refusing to start
Replaced lift pump, bled system through filter and injector pump - still refusing to start
Replaced battery (Yuasa HSB019 100Ah 900A) - still refusing to start
On attempting to start a "blue" smoke can be seen feeding back through air filter

Can any of the more learned members possibly offer any advice

Many thanks in advance

Hi all, Mark from Ramsbottom, Lamcashire
Picked up a 1981 88" Series 3 2.25 Diesel a couple of years back as something of a hobby/labour of love.
All going well until a couple of weeks back when she refused to start.
Replaced all the glow plugs (Parallel System) - still refusing to start
Replaced fuel filter, bled system through filter and injector pump - still refusing to start
Replaced lift pump, bled system through filter and injector pump - still refusing to start
Replaced battery (Yuasa HSB019 100Ah 900A) - still refusing to start
On attempting to start a "blue" smoke can be seen feeding back through air filter

Can any of the more learned members possibly offer any advice

Many thanks in advance


Welcome to the loonyzone, Mark! :)

Might be best to post that in the series section, but a few suggestions to be going on with.

Have you physically seen the glow plugs glow, even new ones can be faulty.
Are you sure you have properly bled the system, or maybe there is air getting drawn in somwhere, possibly the pipe to the lift pump from the tank is leaking.
Was their fuel squirting form the injector pipe unions before you tightened them for final bleed.
Have you checked the air side? Air filter, collapsed hose, rag left in manifold, etc.
Do you ever get your injectors checked and serviced?

These are fairly simple engines, if you have fuel, air and compression in the cylinder, and the timing and injection gear is something like, it should start!
Hi Turboman,
Many thanks for the response
She was running like a dream up until a couple of weeks ago when I came out to start her
All glow plugs checked prior to fitting by connecting directly to battery
Bled the fuel system several times with fuel flowing from all unions/joints etc... and will endeavour to bleed system again, now also thinking she may be drawing in air
Not checked air side yet, but will do
Never checked/serviced injectors but will
A clear section of pipe between lift pump and injection pump helps identify whether you have air being drawn in before the lift pump. Between lift pump and tank is negative pressure so won't really leak unless it's really bad.

Or a temp gravity feed from a bottle direct to injection pump can rule out any problem forwards of the IP.

Smoke through air filter is a bit worrying. Is it coming from the block via the breather or inlet manifold? Could be a stuck valve?

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