
Active Member
hi guys,
checked what's been written before - and its given me some ideas to check - but whilst i'm doing that - is there anything else i could check?
Problem: series 3 diesel 2.25. engine turns at normal speed for say, 2 turns and stops dead (no clicks from soloniod or lights dimming) - leave for a couple of minutes and you can do same (2 turns and stop) -try straight away and engine just 'thumps'. No trminals feel hot. Battery is new and charged. Found this after i changed heaters (old series style for new). Have swapped old ones back and have also disconnected whole heater system - just in case. So................Earthing problem - or worse?
-the floor is yours oh wise ones!!
Thanks. Tried the old screwdriver across the terminals of the soleniod trick and she turned over fine.
A whack with the trusty hammer seems to have sorted it for now. - looks like a weekend on the kitchen table refurbing Solenoid/starter!
Thanks again for replying.
Well guys ......solenoid finally packed up -Manifested itself by supply wire to it catching fire!
SO - the question is, if i get a new solenoid, is this a false economy? Would i be better getting a new starter motor and one of those modern (flattish solenoids that bolt to the bulk head)
-Or just get a reconditioned/new type same as the old one?

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