Has anyone got any experience or know someone in the Manchester area / NW who could change an pinion seal on a axel?? I've got limited experience / tools

Any comments / advice is appreciated

Thanks James
its just a matter of removing prop ,split pin then pinion nut ,pulling of flange and prising seal out frc8220, fill the inner side with grease to hold garter spring in place and tap seal home a large socket helps for that fit flange tighten nut and refit split pin
I put 2 screws in my old seal to help pull it out, saves scuffing something by prising it out.easy job have a go
Thanks for the reply's I'll have a go! and just to confirm, that is it best to go to land rover for the seal? or would a Bermach or Equal do?

Thanks again
Bugger land rover. Go to an independent dealer like Craddock or Paddocks. They all supply Bearmach or equivalent aftermarket.

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