
New Member
Hullo all, I've been looking at a Series 3 2.25 petrol as a daily to get back and to 5 miles to work, and to cart some stuff about for the house we've just bought.

Would a series 3 be up to that job? I've seen one on EBay not too far away from me in Chester that doesn't seem too bad a price and has solid chassis and bulkhead. Are they usable on dual carriageways/motorways at a push? what sort of mpg should I expect (with freewheeling hubs)?

Is there anything else to look out for? I'm new to Landrovers, but not to classic cars and bikes in general.

I'd really appreciate any advice or help. Ta very much :)
IMHO, if you are happy to cruise at around 50mph and can tolerate the noise, I cant see why not;) Not sure about mpg-does it have an overdrive?
5 miles to work!

Yes of course it is. Used to do 30 miles to work in mine quite happily.

You can walk it if you break down! :D
Ta very much for the replies.

5 miles isn't much admittedly, but as I mentioned Land Rovers are unchartered territory for me :D

I don't think it has an overdrive. I'm also assuming that the 2.25 petrol engines will need an additive if there's been no head modification?
Mine (series 2a) is used daily, I can cruise at 50 happily and the noise realy isnt as bad as I was expecting (once it is set up right).

I`m getting about 20 mpg with mine on a run and around 15mpg round town (standard 2.25 petrol).
Mine (series 2a) is used daily, I can cruise at 50 happily and the noise realy isnt as bad as I was expecting (once it is set up right).

I`m getting about 20 mpg with mine on a run and around 15mpg round town (standard 2.25 petrol).

:eek: should have a V8 same mpg and more POWER!!

I bike to the station in the summer but use my IIa through the winter instead. Its a bit nippy in the ice and snow but a hat and gloves are cheap.
As has been said, 5 miles no probs. You can help make them more useable with some subtle modifications such as overdrive as mentioned, sound deadening mats, electronic ignition and comfier seats. Economy is rubbish but its way more fun per gallon than my mondeo! cheaper to insure and repair too.
Just keep up with the servicing / checks & care, simple easy maintain & fix motors, as said earlier not great on fuel but if us landy owners worried about that we would all have mopeds :bounce:
Thanks for the replies all :)

The only thing putting me off is the fuel consumption, but the commute is less than I'm used to (we've just moved house) so I might not even notice it.

Another thing - can a child seat fit in the front?

How much would you expect to pay for a solid Series 3 with MOT and Tax?

Thanks again chaps!
Child seat will go but make sure it has inertia reel belts. Can easily fit if not.

Prices range hugely. It depends what you want really. I would expect to pay upwards of £2500 for a good up together one - more if its been bolted to a replacement galvanised chassis. I'm assuming you need something already together and looking reliable but don't mind running repairs and maintenance.

I actually sometimes find it easier driving mine in busy road conditions as it quite happily keeps up with the slow traffic conditions. They do take some getting used to though....the number of times I've thought 'I wonder if they are all like this'. Other's stories confirm. :)
Thanks again. I'm pretty sure it has inertia belts so that should be ok.

What's the forum policy regarding posting links to EBay auctions? I'd post a link to the one I'm going to look at but I wasnt sure how that would sit.
Thanks again. I'm pretty sure it has inertia belts so that should be ok.

What's the forum policy regarding posting links to EBay auctions? I'd post a link to the one I'm going to look at but I wasnt sure how that would sit.

have seen others show links for scrutiny, advice, and showing what they are buying so think its fine, if its not then the mediators would let you know.
Pics and links are always good for us all to look at :D
Looks original but it's had a hard life. Reasonably straight, but they were careful not to put any chassis pictures up, I noticed.

The blind-side roof would be annoying in traffic. If I bought this truck I'd be on the scout for a det of windowed roofsides - they'd be a cheap way to improve safety.

I'd be all over this thing underneath with a screwdriver checking the chassis and the footwells. A solid chassis with a neatly applied patch or two would be fine, but crusty rust and holes - run far, far away.

As others have said, it's eminently doable as a daily driver. I used my IIA 109 as a daily driver in and out of Boston (70 miles/day on the motorway) with overdrive and it never let me down. Driving a 2.5D 110 with not a lot more speed now with no problems doing the same commute.

Agree with above . There's nothing in the pictures that make it look worth that kind of money. I would expect the chassis to be perfect.
Thanks folks. i did question the chassis/bulkhead, and was assured all was solid and waxoyled (which can obviously hide a multitude of sins).

I've seen Series IIIs go for such a range of prices that I wasn't sure if this was about right or not.

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