if they're handed it should sit slightly lop sided with an empty tank and no driver in it, o/s springs have a slightly greater curve
Yeah driver-side springs take account of offset loading to the landy...fuel tank, transfer box, fat drivers, etc - bloody clever really:rolleyes:
Springs are fitted!! What a difference! Will need some slight adjustment but the Landy looks the part now! And the ride is quality. Pictures to follow tomorrow if I get time!! Cheers for all the help guys.
This is a rubbish photo I know, but its chucking it down outside!! With the new GB springs on!
What are you doing with those soft knackared springs?? I may be interested if they're semi cheap because for trialing they could be ok ish for a few weeks at least
Yeah very level. It's funny, you get a big job like that out of the way and then I seem to want to get on with fixing her up now! Ended up servicing the Landy tonight!! Jai PM me an offer and I will have a think. I won't be able to courier them though.
How have you got on with them Tom?

After a year or so I've deceided to replace the ****part shocks I'd put on. The ride was ok and hadn't deteriorated but the shocks had rusted through. This time I've put on some deCarbon gas shocks - still not the best but should be a bit harder and longer lived.

First impressions are that these shocks are more suited to the springs. It seems to settle quicker out of corners and isn't as upset by potholes and I can take speedbumps at a decent speed and not end up with the tools from the boot in the cab!

The springs are excellent. Running bilstein shocks and the ride is so much better. I would recommend GB to anyone. The service was outstanding.

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