

I have a 1983 Series 3, 2286 diesel.

It has plenty of MOT but I took it to the test station to get an idea of where it was currently failing. Result - test abandoned after two minutes due to a "dangerous" fuel leak.

I've had a look and this is where the leak is:

1. Each cylinder has a thin copper (?) tube going to it with a thick copper (?) nut about 1 inch from where it enters the engine.
2. On the cylinder nearest the driver (far end) there is fuel spurting out of the back of that big nut. Spurting not unlike a pulse - the heartbeat of the engine no doubt.
3. Although I have not driven a diesel 3 series before it is very very slow and I'd imagine down on power but it doesn't sound like one cylinder isn't firing - so I couldn't say that it isn't but obviously something's not right.
4. The leak is pretty substantial - a constant flow rather than a drip.

Is this:

1. Common?
2. Hard to fix?
3. The kiss of death?
4. Should I make funeral arrangements?

Hope you can help as I'm not confident of driving 20 miles to the nearest diesel specialist. I live in Horsforth in Leeds if you fancy coming to take a look - I make excellent tea and provide both beer and jokes.

Thanks all. Only joined the forum last week and already very impressed with how helpful everyone is.
Cheers - is that what those big nuts are called?

(I am to car maintenance what Geoff Capes is to hang-gliding)
injector pipes probably need renewing they get over tightened over the years spoiling the flare on end that seals to injector ,fuel is under great pressure (135 bar )dont put your hands near it with engine running
To be honest it doesn't look exactly like that and I am struggling to find a picture.

Below is a more modern Land Rover picture but the leak is in the same place. Imagine it's a Series 3 and the leak is just behind the nut near the top of the cylinder where the pipe enters the block. The nuts are a different shape - a head double the size than on here and further away from the block. I hope that's understandable - I'll try and find a Series 3 diesel engine and that will no doubt make it easier to explain.

Yeah that's the pipe. It's a long very thin copper pipe - and there's 4 of them, one for each cylinder. The far end one is leaking a boat load of diesel.
Yeah that's the pipe. It's a long very thin copper pipe - and there's 4 of them, one for each cylinder. The far end one is leaking a boat load of diesel.

Check it's tight !! How the hell did you not see the trail of diesel when you went for the MOT??????????????
You must have smelt it surely?????????????

Get a new pipe man ;):D, sorted.
Checked the manual and it's a "Fuel injector feed pipe".

Basically the thing has driven 4 miles since its last MOT in November so my driving it to my house (16 miles of hell) seems to have loosened everything somewhat.

The fuel is kinda gushing out but I couldn't resist a spin last night. Fireball death will surely follow within days.
Sounds like the flange on the pipe has gone where it sits on the engine...as said, easy and cheap fix...take it off cos you'll need the nut at either end, take it to a decent plumber or tractor place and they will sort a bit of copper pipe for a few quid.
Blimey, been a while since i did this job..i dont think so, as far as i'm aware the copper pipe is rolled to form a nipple at both ends and that sits flush into the rear of the bolt, over time and immense pressure these can fail, as yours seems to have, its just the copper being so brittle..i reckon any o ring or similar would prevent a perfect seal that the pipe/bolt achieve.
Thanks very much. And doubly thanks for the childish giggle I emitted at the use of the word "nipple".

I'll ask the local Landy man how much an "official" part is and take it from there - i.e. if it's less that £50 to supply and fit I'll have him do it. At least I know what to ask for now.

Order from johncraddocks or paddocks, do it on the phone and tell them which pipe it is (they are numbered 1-4, i believe 1 is closest to the cab but CHECK)..its a 5 min job to change them..2 bolts!!! Even a 2 time convicted Iranian thief could do it!!

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