
New Member
hey guys, am new to landrovers, am in process of buying a solid series hardtop swb at the moment, and have just aquired a complete 2.5tdi engine with all ancilliaries, transfer box, gearbox exhaust etc, im no brill mechanic but have a very capable mate who is wondering if there isanything to look out for with this conversion or is it a pretty straight swap?? thanks for any help!
yeah but the 200tdi engine etc is outa my budget mate iv got the complete 2.5tdi engine setup for £150 from my brothers 90
There's a bit of confusion here! You say a 200tdi is out of your budget, so what is this 2.5tdi engine from a 90 you have bought? I'm wandering if you've bought is what's known as the 19J turbo diesel engine, which (amongst other engines) was factory fitted to 90s and 110s up to 1990. These engines are not known as tdi engines. Tdi stands for Turbo direct injection - The 19J is not a direct injection engine. Here's a discussion about 19Js: I don't have any experience of these engines myself, but they will bolt onto a series III gearbox. I'm not sure, but the nearside chassis engine mount may have to be moved along with the battery holder. It would be an easier conversion than the 200Tdi because there is less pipework and no intercooler, but the 200tdi has a far better reputation for reliability than the 19J and more power.
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If its the 19j it shouldnt be such a hard job to transplant, you say you have the motor and box, is it from a landy or is it a 2wd version like the one in the sherpa.
its from a 90, but im not gonna use the box now, just the engine, 2 much work apparently with gearbox mounts etc when the engine will attach to the series existing box anyway

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