
New Member
Hi everyone. My series 3 2.25 diesel seems to be down on power. I know that there slow anyway but when you get to 3/4 of the accelerator travel th last 1/4 has no effect. There’s slight grey smoke under hard acceleration and a small puff of black when you change gear. Not sure but think it might bye injector pump. Has anyone had anything similar and how did you fix it. Thanks Nick
Make sure that the engine stop cable if fully back to its stop on the pump when the dash knob is fully pressed home.
Simple cheap things first. Accelerator to pump linkage operating correct, pump lever going all the way. Fuel filter [just change it] and lift pump ok.
Yeah getting full travel and throttle movement all free. Changed fuel filter and lift pump definitely works.
Are the tappets set properly, is air filter does the butterfly valve fully open in inlet manifold, are any brakes binding/ getting hot after run. You could check the spray pattern on injectors when turning over by disconnecting injector pipes and swivelling round, a compression check might show low cylinder pressures which would make it low on power.
The manual also mentions a max speed of 48mph in 3rd gear at 4200rpm you should get, so are you getting max revs, what’s your 0-50mph time on flat ground
has the fuel setting screws on IP been fiddled with think mine been wired up from new.
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Had very similar symptoms on mine - almost felt like the accelerator didn't make any difference on last quarter of movement. Turned out to be the fuel pump - eventually noticed a drip of oily/fuel mix from the pump housing while I was busy trying to check most of the things mentioned above with throttle linkage, hand throttle linkage etc. The diaphragm in the pump looked OK to be fair with no obvious tears but felt like it might be getting porous and the rubber was a bit "grainy". I suspect that even if its not actually leaking the diaphragm would lose its elasticity after a period of time and be less efficient. Worth trying for the price of a new pump - restored full performance on mine straight away after fitting (bit of a faff to bleed though)
Ok thanks everyone for all your suggestions. I’m hopefully going to get on to it this weekend. Cheers Nick

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