do you need anything, i have a yard full of bits that i am trying to get rid of. if you want owt let me know and we will sort something out ;)
Hey Yella, you got any 2a bits?, just got my old one back (it's a '72, headlights in the wings), need an indicator stalk - the chromey one that only does the indicators & a rad panel, mines rotted at the bottom.
Missing a rear bumper handle type doobery, and also need a middle seat as it's now got one o them cubby thingys!

ive got a midle seat and its the deluxe one, i will dig it out in the morning and see what condition its in
riught, ive been in the garage and found no end of bits, the centre seat is in good useable condition but by no means brand new looking, i will post a pic in a bit, ive aso got the other front seats / a temp+fuel gauge clock out of a s3 /fuel+amps clock out of a s2/ a s2 grill/ a rear door / hard top with windows/1 pair s3 wings/6 swb rims/ set of rear swb springs / a pair of s3/defender headlight guards/ a rotating beacon and a nice vintage sewing machine if anyone wants anything get in touch otherwise the lot is going on fleabay.
ive got a speedo head fer a 2 but the glass has a crack in it, ive also got a speedo head fer a 3 and a 200 tdi, depernding on which one me speedo cable fits the other is up fer grabs ;)
no, they are all good but they may not be 100% accurate, but then on a series i wouldnt imagine even the original speedo is still 100%, unless you have it calibrated when you fit a new/second hand speedo head then it will never be cock on. lets just say it would be near enough ;)
how much for the series speedo then? Need it to keep the mileage down on a restricted mileage policy.
yup, im looking at when im away if yer can,it'll save airparks plus you have a fortnight ter sort ;)
right, some lad asked me fer a centre seat,the creases are where its had something leaning against it, and it aint rotten, just covered in dust. it aint the best pic but then i aint a photographer and im in the early stages of parkinsons and alzheimers combined DSCF0022.JPG

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