
New Member
Hello all. I am looking to get a replacement front plate for my series 2A. I was wondering if you have any recommendations as I obviously don’t want to use halfrauds. Thanks, Dave.
My 1962 2a came with raised riveted plates but they were very past it, went with embossed replacements as that's all i could get. It was a long time ago now
Hello all. I am looking to get a replacement front plate for my series 2A. I was wondering if you have any recommendations as I obviously don’t want to use halfrauds. Thanks, Dave.

Just google something like classic metal number plates, try and find someone local as they will want to see documents.
Just google something like classic metal number plates, try and find someone local as they will want to see documents.
you can get them on ebay and they will accept digital copies of the documentation, not sure if they are supposed to or not but worked for my MG.
Steve Lovely on Facebook.

I recently needed a reg plate for my trailer and wanted the black and silver flavour to match the heap. As there ain’t any makers near me and I dislike the idea of posting original documents in the hope they come back, I contacted Steve who knocks them out via his mobile workshop at classic fairs etc.
He helped easing the legalities as it were. ;)

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