
New Member
when going slow with the throttle on, off the then on again there is a clunking noise coming from the gearbox, as if gears are moving inside taking up the slack, this only happens in 1st or 2nd, not 3rd and 4th.
anyone got any idea of what it can be or point me in the right direction.
sorry but i should have said that i have undone the 6 nuts that hold the mainshaft rear bearing housing and checked the castle nut, i levered the gear with a screwdriver to see if i could move the gear to and fro and could not, the tab washer was still in place on the castle nut.
Are you sure it is the gearbox ? could be intermediate gear in transfer case if too much end float also differential and halfshaft splines worn either on shaft or flanges at hub.
no, i am not sure it is from the gearbox, just that it is coming from down underneath around that area
great, i will be checking the gear end float in the transfer case and and if thats ok ill move onto the halfshafts..
thanks for that.
just thinking about this subject, it only does the cluncking noise in 1st or 2nd gear when you throttle on of off, and not in 3rd or 4th..
just thinking about this subject, it only does the cluncking noise in 1st or 2nd gear when you throttle on of off, and not in 3rd or 4th..

That might be a red herring, as 1+2 are deeper gears than 3+4 so throttle movement will have more effect, inertia etc.

Have you checked the u/js and prop flamges as mentioned earlier on ?
I have a very similar cluncking noise at low speed which I believe is a worn UJ on the prop. For the noise it makes, I reckon it is badly worn but it recently passed its mot. I would have thought worn uj's were a mot inspection item.


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