Series 2a 88 1966

Hi all,

Can anyone help? Driving down the motorway one wiper blade managed to detach - lost forever. I have ordered new arms and blades as I can't find any matching blades and the new ones are too long!

I have spoken to a few suppliers and they are stumped??

Pics below of current arms?

Any help appreciated.

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Blades are 10", don't know about arms though 2, 2a and 3 are interchangeable.

The arms are resting way too low btw
haven't got a better pic and its raining, this is how the wipers should be defender style or proper series they both point to the centre - not trying to teach you to suck eggs - and you may find your new ones fit
mine would be the same if I positioned them as they are in your pic, they don't swing down there in normal operation
Mine sit like this the new arm is wrong length.
Joe looks like one of your wheel boxes is fitted the wrong way up on the windscreen.
The ones on both of mine are adjustable in length. One set is original stainless like yours and the ones on the other are new replacements from paddocks, both are adjustable
How long are those original ones? Give us a measurement and we can all go outside and throw a tape over ours. Seems very strange they would be different to anyone elses.
Those new ones dont look dissimilar to mine apart from mine fitted OK.

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