good luck with your project JC - I hope something comes of all this talk

take that comment as you will .........

you might care to remind folks what a dick you were when you first joined this forum, I'm no keyboard warrior, I'd be more than happy to fend you off if you felt the need to fight me

got any pictures of your previous projects ?

peace not war eh
Sean, I've not read much of your posts but since I joined this forum I've been encouraged by most of Johnny's input. Is there something in particular that Johnny said in his early blogs that has upset you? It sounds like you are harbouring a grudge so come on, spit it out and get the monkey off your back. By the way it was me that mentioned the fighting talk.
well well well.....there has been a lot of chatter on here since i posted my last post (and even started this thread off). You will be pleased to know that i have found some very old (but look brand spanking) side and rear quarter panels. I am soon to be in the process of drilling out all of the old spot welds ready to fit said new panels! I have got new cappings coming and of course galved bottom tub brackets. i just hope that i can get it looking square!!

I will keep you posted. (piccies still to come promise)

Oh...and just started the rebuilt engine for the first time with its exhaust on. Sounded wonderful and coughed into life on the second turn over after 21 years of being stood still. a rebored block and skimmed head worked like a dream! (may have had a little moist patch).

Thank you for your advice.

I'd be really interested in this, i've got to replace a floor, rear bulhead, and wheel arches.

Where abouts are the pictures posted? :)

Many thanks.

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