
Hi - i've searched this but can't seem to see a clear explanation about this

i have a '66 series 2a that one of PO's had converted to later wings and front panel to move headlights out.

i have got wing front panels and rad panel so i can convert it back.

i can't see how to mount healight bowls behind panel and allow for adjustment without adding extra mounting holes.

front panel is the later raised lip around the headlight type.

can someone explain how to do this or better still post a photo

many thanks.
the headlight bowls go through the front of the panel, i have just done some, and i rivetted them, the ones i have are halogen, not sealed beam
He's talking about the later type dude which don't use conventional headlamp bowls and chrome finishers. There's a metal adapter ring you need to make this happen, they come up on ebay VERY rarely, you prob need to find someone who's breaking one and be proactive to get them, or fab something up. Essentially it's just a metal ring which holds the lamp unit and then mounts it to the holes in the front panel.
this is probably the best picture i have showing the headlight mounted in a '65 panel, as you can see the headlamp unit is mostly exposed to the elements and just has two rings that clamp together holding the unit to the panel, three screws with small springs locate it, the screws are quite long as are the springs, the springs compress as you do the screws up and you adjust the screws to set the angle of the light beam



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