
Well-Known Member
Evening folks, visited my bother in law today and came across this in the field...


..he was left it in his girlfriends dads will.
Any ideas on what it would be worth as it is. The gear box is seized and the canvas is wrecked.
He has no love for land rovers and I reckon it would end up rotting in to the ground.
I think they released the drive shaft to move it around so would this point towards handbrake or box?.
Just a bloody shame to see it rotting in the field.
i would get it on ebay sharpish now is the time of year people might want a winter project, not an expert although I have a '55 s1, but I would say at least a couple of k depending on chassis and bulkhead maybe up to £3k as elan suggests
From the pic shes not horrendously bad like some ive seen as HonoluluJoe says it will make a great winter project! ID definitely be interested if I wasn't so heavily involved with my latest! I think theres plenty of like minded people out there and offered at a fair price like suggested it'll be snapped up! Restoration projects like these seem to be getting pretty rare:D
I might get him to put it in my barn and have it as a project. Are parts hard to come by?.

depends, the series one club stocks a fair bit of stuff, plenty of choices for body panels bulkhead and chassis parts etc. complete chassis are available via the s1 club - made by Richards - more expensive than say an s3 chassis. brake bits are largely the same as later series, gearbox and engine parts might be harder to come by.

from what I have seen over the years people eventually seem to find someone in the club with the part they need for the rarer stuff
Is he giving it to you , or will you have to buy it off him? If you have to buy it then offer him a couple of grand .

The two major expenses on restoring a Series One ( or any other Series Land Rover) are the bulkhead and chassis . If you have to replace them you will be looking at £1600 for a new bulkhead and probably £2,500 for a new chassis , if you can get one . Which you can't , as they are not being made at the moment . This may change in the future . However , having said that , from the photos you have show both the chassis and bulkhead look as if they are in reasonable condition and may only need repairing , if at all . Having to replace these two items would significantly affect the price .

The bodywork looks pretty straight and the paintwork is good . A seized gearbox I would have thought is no big deal .

I would say that you should easily get £3,000 for it , and quite possibly more than £4,000 if the bulkhead and chassis are good . I would also suggest getting it under cover , cleaned up and see what you have got . More photos would help .

I would still only offer him £2,000 . After all , it is not as if he is family !
Is he giving it to you , or will you have to buy it off him? If you have to buy it then offer him a couple of grand .

The two major expenses on restoring a Series One ( or any other Series Land Rover) are the bulkhead and chassis . If you have to replace them you will be looking at £1600 for a new bulkhead and probably £2,500 for a new chassis , if you can get one . Which you can't , as they are not being made at the moment . This may change in the future . However , having said that , from the photos you have show both the chassis and bulkhead look as if they are in reasonable condition and may only need repairing , if at all . Having to replace these two items would significantly affect the price .

The bodywork looks pretty straight and the paintwork is good . A seized gearbox I would have thought is no big deal .

I would say that you should easily get £3,000 for it , and quite possibly more than £4,000 if the bulkhead and chassis are good . I would also suggest getting it under cover , cleaned up and see what you have got . More photos would help .

I would still only offer him £2,000 . After all , it is not as if he is family !

sorry old chap but it isn't true what you say about the chassis not being available, may I refer you to my post 9, series one chassis are available via the series one club and are made to order by Richards, last time I enquired they were around £2k

there is also someone on ebay selling s1 chassis flatpacks from time to time that you can weld up yourself but imho you are better off getting the club one
I'm not looking to buy it off of him, but to help him restore it. As said above I think first thing is to get it under cover and dry in my barn. Then strip it back a bit to see what we have got.
I tried putting some more pictures on here but it says they are too big.
sorry old chap but it isn't true what you say about the chassis not being available, may I refer you to my post 9, series one chassis are available via the series one club and are made to order by Richards, last time I enquired they were around £2k

there is also someone on ebay selling s1 chassis flatpacks from time to time that you can weld up yourself but imho you are better off getting the club one

When was the last time you enquired about a chassis from the Club ? Over the summer or after ?

Am I right in thinking that you also frequent the LRSOC forum , I seem to remember seeing your name there ? If so I would have thought that you had been following this thread http://www.lrsoc.com/forum/index.php?topic=23173.60 .
Now , I don't know if the problem has been resolved yet but as I don't recall reading anything to say that it has I can only assume that it hasn't . Hence my caveat that production could well resume in the future .

I agree with you on buying the flat pack version . However , I don't think that it would come to needing a new chassis if what can be seen in the photos is anything to go by .
When was the last time you enquired about a chassis from the Club ? Over the summer or after ?

Am I right in thinking that you also frequent the LRSOC forum , I seem to remember seeing your name there ? If so I would have thought that you had been following this thread http://www.lrsoc.com/forum/index.php?topic=23173.60 .
Now , I don't know if the problem has been resolved yet but as I don't recall reading anything to say that it has I can only assume that it hasn't . Hence my caveat that production could well resume in the future .

I agree with you on buying the flat pack version . However , I don't think that it would come to needing a new chassis if what can be seen in the photos is anything to go by .

I do frequent lrsoc but not that regularly - usually when I have a problem i can't solve myself :D - totally missed that thread sad news indeed, my apologies, looks like there is only the ebay chap left now, couldn't see any of the flat packs but there is a chap offering made to order chassis with a long wait. sure I saw an ad in the last legend though but I tend to bin them when I have looked at the pictures :D
nope, had a look no chassis ad, bugger, I was going to do a chassis up rebuild in a couple of years, just have to shotblast and galv the existing one then, or sell it off whilst the chassis is still good :D

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