
New Member
Hi guys,
I am new to this forum but have been reading a lot of solutions provided, I have few additional questions about replacing my cylinder on my 300tdi series 1 discovery.

First a bit of background, whilst driving home last one night, last september I noticed the temperature creeping up and then dropping rapidly. also no heat in the heat matrix, any way got the car home and sent it off to a dealer who diagnosed head gasket, then a couple of hours later wapred head. I quickly had the car trailered home when the cost made it to £2000.

subsequntly I bought a new head, gasket and associated gaskets. I also bought a set o fthe caps for the springs, and 8 washers for the banjo thing in the over spill rail.. Also the copper washers for the seat of the injectors.

Having not taken the engine apart my self these leaves me with a couple of questions

1/ on the very back of the head there are 2 bolt holes that clearly had something in there. 1 i believe to be the power sterring breather pipe. drivers side hole, What goes in the passenger side hole ?

2/ Are there any other bits I need to buy with regards to fitting the old injectors ?

3/ What would you recommend for cleaning the new head casting as grey dust seems to be everywhere inside the water jacket left over from the casting process..

Many thanks in advance Pete :cool:
The saga continues, the head is on and turning over I think some cyclinders are firing but not all, as it wont run without the starter motor running it just burbles a couple of times..

I put the injector sealing washers in with the narrow ridge side upwards ! after reading another post here. I assume thats correct.

Any ides ?
so has the head been removed from the engine?

did you send the head away to be skimed/ brought 2nd hand head already skimed????

have you brought new head bolts? Idont know if you need to but i have had bolt fail then you are back to square one, and if they are strech bolts you need to replace them any way.

have you torqued them in the correct sequence?

was the gasket the correct one as there are 3 different ones? not shure how it works but you have 1hole, 2 hole and three hole.

the engine will turn over but if the gasket is still duff, the head has not been skimed or the bolts not been replaced for new they can all cause problems, also did you remove all the old gasket from the block (inc scrape any old bits still on the top)?

can you get back on this maybe we can help a bit more as you havent said if you have done any of these bits as yet.

The head was replaced with a new one, LR diagnosed the old one warped when they removed it !

All new head bolts.

One of the Injectors studs sanpped whilst trying to clamp injector, all 4 now replaced for caution. 4 new injector sealing washers.

Brand new LR head gasket the metal laminate type and correct amount of holes. All torques to 40nm +60 +60 and where ness +20 degrees

rocker shaft re-removed and all tappets wound right out before replacing shaft back on engine. new valve caps !

new inlet and exhaust gasket !

all tappets adjusted to 0.20

started first time.. but fuel leak forced end of play

Now fuel leak out of the spill return pipe where it meats injenction pump. new spill pipe ordered £59 old one was split on the metal section between lift pump and return to tank pipe.

list of things left to do

Clean out intercooler and inlet manifold and coressponding pipes.

Fit new spill return pipe and banjo to injector pump

Fit rocker cover and top

puts some fluids and anti freeze in. and see if Head gasket is OK
hi is your inj/pump edc if so have you reconnected the wire on the injector next to bulk head this is the timing for the inj/pump ?wont run with out it.:D

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