:) Hello i dont know good english leangvich but i whont to toll you about us. We are one young family who livi nire the mont Kucajske planine in Serbia. Deep in the wildeness, 1000 m over the sea (50 kilometars oraund no civilization) existing orthodox monastery where live 10 orthodox nuns. Shea's have two land rovers: serias II and Discovery I TDI 300. Whitout landrovers its very difical to live in this wild place. We usualy evry two week go to visit him with our Discovery. This is first information about him. This nuns needs help, becose parts for landrovers in Serbia is very expensive and to find original parts is very difical. How to help him? Thank you for understend. We whate yours idees.


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Ere slob thats a trick question....depends if he's the only man there
I wer right too. Ifr there were no other priest there or choir boys he wunt be eating no meat