i think i might read up on the whole, heating oil, kerosene, veg oil thing, coz theres no way im keeping paying these prices, even cherry costs about 70p a litre nowadays, not 4 years ago it was £10 a gallon

help ma boab
just out of curiosity, does anyone know how much veg oil was before people started using it in diesels, because ive a funny feeling since then it will have went up just a tad mare than the 2% inflation every year or wot ever it is

Supply and demand again! The price per barrel of crude also has an effect on the edible oil price. As the crude price rises, it becomes economically viable for oils such as rape, palm, olive etc to be used as bio fuels. This opens up another market for these oils and so increases the demand for them, thus increasing the price that they can be sold for. If the crude price was to plummet, it would no longer be economically viable to use bio oils and so the price would (SHOULD) drop for oil to fry yer chips in. In recent months, the price per tonne of oilseed rape has been considerable compared to what it was worth say 3 years ago, due to the world wide demand for bio oils because of the high price of crude oil.

My solution would be for the government to stop getting in the way of the uk developing its own biodiesel and ethanol industries. Might not bring the price back down to nice low levels but at least we would have our own fuel supply and would be at less mercy to world events over oil price. But then I'm a farmer who fancies being a new age oil baron so I would say that wouldn't I?
Isn't it worthwhile collecting used cooking oil and filtering it to run a diesel engine?
I've been running mine for 5 years now with no problems.
About 12 months ago I made up an electrolyser from a clear plastic water filter, for a friend who owns a 4 litre Ford Falcon, he does long trips from southern New South Wales to near the Queensland border. He calculates he's saving 25% on his fuel bill.
The information is out there, just a matter of doing the research.

Kind regards..Ron
we payin [at the current exchange rate] 42ppl fer diesel. 3 years back, was about half that.
the oil companies arent daft, they hold back the oil when the prices are low and sell when the prices are high, wydos

from my experience wi oil companies they're not really smart enough to plan **** like that, just by chance they **** something up and wreck a couple o production plants while the price is high!! :rolleyes:
No it don't, it just don't allow people wiv a complex bout his dad - dint mention mentioning him!
Anyway i dont got a god complex in the same way i don't got a flyin elephant complex
Anyways i had just downed a bottle of tescos finest shirazzler when i wrote that so it dont count anyway!
so wot about installin microgenerasion at ome ter charge batteries so that water (in yer fool tank) can be elctrolised sepeatin hydrogen from oxy then hydrogen can fuel for engine and oxy can be catalyst use gey's attached to wheels to replenish electrics used for electolisyng and all yer need is ter fill up from a stram or pond and yer ome free
so wot about installin microgenerasion at ome ter charge batteries so that water (in yer fool tank) can be elctrolised sepeatin hydrogen from oxy then hydrogen can fuel for engine and oxy can be catalyst use gey's attached to wheels to replenish electrics used for electolisyng and all yer need is ter fill up from a stram or pond and yer ome free

the thing is you need power to seperate h20 into its component parts. DC power and quite a lot. The extra power needed to generate will knock out any prospective savings overall. JMHO
Oh ye of little faith - overun generators on the wheels, pto generator on engine solar panels on roof all producing "free" energy all you need is the initial charge to start the system
Oh ye of little faith - overun generators on the wheels, pto generator on engine solar panels on roof all producing "free" energy all you need is the initial charge to start the system

and then yer can drive aroun in a landy wot looks like summat outta back 2 the future revisited. may as well put in a solar geyser too, then ye can shower when ye finished playin in the mud. :D
the oil companies arent daft, they hold back the oil when the prices are low and sell when the prices are high, wydos

Its not the oil companies though, OPEC of which the uk is a member regulates the supply of oil onto the open market, which therfore controls the price. All they do is reduce production slightly against a growing demand and BINGO, up go the prices......Everyone gets shafted:mad: :mad:
Is there not a bloke running his series 3 on wood pellets, turning them into a hot gas and off he goes... Wood is pretty plentiful.

The supply and demand thing is true - we demand too much resources in general and are not bothered enough by costs to do anything about it.

What about a tiered introduction of a 40% additional tax on non-renewable fuel sources and raw manufacturing components (that'll be coal, oil, gas, virgin metals etc etc) and an incentive scheme (like grants, artificially reduced prices etc) on renewable materials such as vegetable oil, wood, recycled metals and plastics etc.

Rather than making more efficient petrol and diesel engines, stop making petrol engines and design ultra efficient engines designed to specifically run on veg oil, whilst producing better oil producing crops in terms of yield.

Need more space for the oil-crops? Get rid of cows. They produce more greenhouse gasses than china.

Enforce thes rules with an iron fist and free Land Rovers for one and all!
All very well but everytime a good idea comes up that involves money moving away from the oil companies it seems the inventor gets bought out or installed in a research job within the oil industry. Do you really think that their share holders give a rats arse about global warming? Supply and demand is true but market manipulation is also true.