How come the wood looks green on the cenre console pictture? And what's that on top of the dash in the same picture? Looks nice but shame about the privacy glass:p
I don't expect 7.5, but you were nuts to sell yours for 4.5 with that milage and LPG..... quite simply I would'nt sell it for that I will just become a three car family!

Derek the wood looks green because it is green.... nobody knows why its green.... I can only guess that being one of the last P38's built.... its all they had left in stock! Black ones got black.... red ones got red.... blue ones got green.... except wait for it....... they put blue in the back!!!!!!!.... it does grow on you
Derek to answer your other question its a speaker.... again being one of the last p38's built.... i can only guess they wanted to rid the factory of all the speakers out of stock so it has 12 or 13 of them.... the sound is exceptional !!!!

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