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please help

my R reg freelander diesel has just started to rev itself????

when parked up it revs up and down to 2000 and whilst driving its doing it so make it a danger

any idea's???

i know nowt about diesals , but my petrol did this. i removed the airbox from the thottle body, and opened the thottle( Engine Off) and spraded carb cleaner in loads and loads, the wiped inside with a rag..

worked for me...

like i say , i not sure if diesals work the same....
i know nowt about diesals , but my petrol did this. i removed the airbox from the thottle body, and opened the thottle( Engine Off) and spraded carb cleaner in loads and loads, the wiped inside with a rag..

worked for me...

like i say , i not sure if diesals work the same....
:) lol i dont either but was hoping of a bit more of a reply then i have
but thanks for that will have a look at airbox

Diesel engine hunting is prolly ECU needs a reset or replacement. Have you had it hitched up to testbook to read the error codes?
Diesel engine hunting is prolly ECU needs a reset or replacement. Have you had it hitched up to testbook to read the error codes?


no thought i'd ask on here first to see if its a common prob and a cheap fix

will add though only seems to do it when engine is warm and it drops power and the engine management light comes on when the power dips
Could be a dirty sensor somewhere if it's happening when warm. Couldn't tell you which one, but maybe Stig or Clutchy will be perusing this forum later and chip in.
Could be a dirty sensor somewhere if it's happening when warm. Couldn't tell you which one, but maybe Stig or Clutchy will be perusing this forum later and chip in.

ok thanks will await to see if they add a reply

heres hoping lol

cheers dean
just broke my hand so not good lol

I warned you about bare knuckle fist fights!! :)

Hope you get it (and yourself) sorted matey. Can't help with the diesel issue as I've never owned one.

Are there any mechanical linkages (Governer??) that need lubricating?? Or it could be a sensor issue as stated previously.


I warned you about bare knuckle fist fights!! :)

Hope you get it (and yourself) sorted matey. Can't help with the diesel issue as I've never owned one.

Are there any mechanical linkages (Governer??) that need lubricating?? Or it could be a sensor issue as stated previously.



cheers steve

with the hand as it is trying not to mess around to much its the 3rd cast i have had to have. cut one off as i couldnt work :eek: the other split as i was still working lol so the nurses are not to pleased with me :rolleyes:

so with this prob i want to go right to it if poss

bloody hell cant believe its started again, cant see it being the maf again its the 3rd one i have put on, can anyone think of anything else it may be????

goes ok for a few weeks then does the same feels like unwanted cruise control :eek:

cheers guys
here's the best idea ! Don't panic. .the problem with correct itself. Don't ask me why / same thing happened to me. I did a big 500km drive and the prob went away for good.


please help

my R reg freelander diesel has just started to rev itself????

when parked up it revs up and down to 2000 and whilst driving its doing it so make it a danger

any idea's???

Check your earths, alternator, relays, battery. If the ECU doesnt get a signal from the crank sensor or speed sensor (and some other sensors but can't remember off the top of my head) it will substitute it's own values making it run poorly and idle erratically. With your ECM light coming on indicates it is picking up a fault, it's inconscitency indicates it's probably a poor power supply or earth problem. A sensor needs a reference voltage to work from or, as in the case of the cranks sensor, to send a frequency. If it's not up to what it should be it will fail or be faulty.
Hope this helps
(btw over 21 years as a mechanic and specialising in electronic engine management diagnosis and repair and I stil get headaches!)
Check your earths, alternator, relays, battery. If the ECU doesnt get a signal from the crank sensor or speed sensor (and some other sensors but can't remember off the top of my head) it will substitute it's own values making it run poorly and idle erratically. With your ECM light coming on indicates it is picking up a fault, it's inconscitency indicates it's probably a poor power supply or earth problem. A sensor needs a reference voltage to work from or, as in the case of the cranks sensor, to send a frequency. If it's not up to what it should be it will fail or be faulty.
Hope this helps
(btw over 21 years as a mechanic and specialising in electronic engine management diagnosis and repair and I stil get headaches!)

thanks for that

the light has stopped coming on now and i was on a drive yesterday along the M6 and pulled over and unplugged the maf again and runs fine.

have returned one of the maf's for testing so hope it is that but will check the above out to.

thanks again

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