
New Member

i was wondering if anyone had some decent links for self recovery techniques without the use of a winch. i want to go out greenlaning with the voomen, but i dont want to get stranded and have her moan at me. i dont have a winch but i do have a high lift :). can anyone recommend any simple effective techniques? what else do i need? tree strops? tow ropes? shackles? 2T? 3T? 5m? 10m? tested? untested? HELP!

i dont want to waste the cash, so need a list of minimal stuff to get me started.

ooww, waffle boards... good idea? they are bloody expensive. where can i pick them up cheap if i need them?

thanking you all in advance as always :)

if you get some good lifting strops you can utilise yer highlift as a makeshift winch, also a couple of ordinary ratchet straps can get you out of the **** if neccesary ;)
Don't forget if you are stuck on a lane where there are no trees then with all the gear in the world you won't be getting out with out help or ground anchors.
Equipment - don't forget the holy trinity ...

- Spade - first action is often to dig your way out. Also can use it as a base to stop your jack from sinking into the mud.
- Folding saw or bow saw.
- Half a dozen small logs that you can use under wheels, to bridge gaps, etc.
- Second spare tyre

If you want to buy some ropey things, I suggest a long strop that can double as a tow rope and a couple of shackles. Try as they are pretty cheap and give good service.

Techniques ...

If you get stuck in a rut or a hole you can sometimes use your hi lift jack to lift your wheels clear, then push the car off balance onto better terrain.

You can use a strop to attach one corner of your truck to a tree and then drive forwards or back and pivot the vehicle out of ruts, etc.

Rocking - Reverse forwards reverse forwards reverse forwards reverse forwards reverse forwards - pop! you're out! Amazing how well it works.



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