ouch, there are several bits and pieces to do before injectors should be blamed, i think whatever happens from now on you are going to be ****ed off and out of pocket.
Any ideas guys - do yu think first option wud be to replace/ repair injectors, before a dose of injector cleaner etc?

Exactly the point I was trying to make. Also whilst I don't dispute the cost of repair when everything else has been tried I still think they're trying to con you by offering £200 for your car.
So - wud I be right in suggesting that the general consensus on here is get the car back ASAP without spending a penny more than you have to, to get it running again, and take it elsewhere to get a second (or third) opinion?

Certainly dont let the current garage buy it - or scrap it - without further investigation.
I'd run a ****load of Millers Sport Fuel Additive through it first - at least one tank of fuel with at the very least more than 2 times the recommended dosage

Also, remove EGR - replace with bypass and thoroughly clean the inlet manifold, Intercooler and fit new Intercooler Hoses
Hi Everyone. The saga continues ......... the garage still hasn't given me back the car - either they have done something to it that they aren't telling me or the're ****ed that I am not selling it to them. I have another garage lined up to do the work (on your advice) but I think whatever happens it is going to cost me.......
I'll update when I can.

After seeing your post I thought you might want to speak to the people I outline in my recent post :


Hi all

I have been a regular visitor to this site for a few months since purchasing a 2003 TD4 Freelander. I used some information from a contributor to fix a problem with a split Turbo Pipe while en route to Scotland............... but now it is time to offer some helpful information in return.

My TD4 has never been right since I had it and someone that works for Land Rover told me that he suspected one of the Injectors was at fault. This sounded expensive so I put it off and put it off..............

Another friend of mine who used to run a family garage mentioned to me that they used to use a Diesel Specialist rather than a Car Specialist for Diesel problems. I asked what he meant by this and he said that its best to go to a place that knows all about diesels rather than worry about going to a specialist who knows about the car. So, I searched for a local (Midlands) diesel specialist and found one in Burton on Trent.

I arranged to visit for a Diagnostic check and on arrival I was heartened by the fact that this place was run by men, in overalls, working on machines that fixed injectors and other diesel parts. It was EXACTLY the sort of place that fills you with confidence that they know what they are doing.

The diagnostic was carried out with expensive equipment (took 10mins) and I was advised that the diagnostics showed very little, so they wanted to move it to the rear of the workshop to carry out a further test. This was done and within 10mins they returned to say that Injector 4 was knackered.

Great I said. Lets book it in for a replacement as a) you won't have one in stock and b) its a big job to do straight away. The response was staggering............... No mate, we have one on the shelf and it can be done in 1.5hrs. I agreed for them to proceed and true to the word 1.5hrs later the guy appeared and said "Its Done".

I paid the fee, walked outside, put the key in the slot and it started first time with NO DELAY. It was a new car........... really. A new car. The transformation was astonishing. The difference that the renewal of a single (faulty) injector has made is unreal. Smooth engine, more power, quiet and just like a new car.

Now, you will all be wondering on the costs here and expecting a silly bill. But, here are the details :

Diagnostic = £50 + VAT
Reconditioned Injector (12,000miles warranty) = £105 + VAT
Labour = £80 + VAT

Total Cost = £277 inc VAT.

Now, I think that for the work done and the transformation it resulted in that this is a bargain. I hope you all agree. Therefore, in conclusion.................... If you want a top job done on your car and are having any injector problems then you MUST VISIT this place. They are miracle workers.

The details are below and I urge anyone with a TD4 who has been told to replace 1 injector (or more) to visit. Clearly for those some distance away its worth waiting for them to do the work as 1.5-2.0 hrs is not too long to wait for such an important job.

No more £1000 - £2000 injector quotes need be entertained anymore.


Ryder Close
Cadley Hill Industrial Estate
DE11 9EU
Tel: 01283 217951
Fax: 01283 551198
^^^^^^That's fine if the injector isn't seized in. A lot are and whether profesional or amateur it is a horrendous job to get a seized one out. It doesn't need a lot of strip to take an injector out so it should be minimal time to put the vehicle back in a driveable condition to take it elsewhere.

To everyone in Landy Land, thanks, thanks, thanks for all your advice. If it hadn't been for you lot, I would have probably scrapped the car by now. It is all fixed and going nicely. The second garage I found was fantastic! The other ******* garage did some damage which cost more to put right and I had to have a new injector but job done for £600.
Again, thanks for all your advice and support.
Just in time for the next round of snow....................
just goes to show its good to talk, and we still think you should include some millers for the other three
To everyone in Landy Land, thanks, thanks, thanks for all your advice. If it hadn't been for you lot, I would have probably scrapped the car by now. It is all fixed and going nicely. The second garage I found was fantastic! The other ******* garage did some damage which cost more to put right and I had to have a new injector but job done for £600.
Again, thanks for all your advice and support.
Just in time for the next round of snow....................

Well done, really pleased for you. I know £600 is still a big bill but as you say it's better than scrapping the car.
Start using millers additive regularly, it won't guarantee against future failure but will keep your injectors clean.
To everyone in Landy Land, thanks, thanks, thanks for all your advice. If it hadn't been for you lot, I would have probably scrapped the car by now. It is all fixed and going nicely. The second garage I found was fantastic! The other ******* garage did some damage which cost more to put right and I had to have a new injector but job done for £600.
Again, thanks for all your advice and support.
Just in time for the next round of snow....................

Great News. So at the end of the day was it a single injector that was the problem or something else as well?

to allan
Good question! It seems to have fixed the juddering problem but not the white smoke on start up. Back to the drawing board, I suppose. And now the brake pads need replacing (but that's normal wear and tear). I love my car!!!!!!!
Ther is a company on e-bay and the web advertising the removal of TD4 injectors.

the injector can be reused after a service and theres very little parts to be removed. uses a hydraulic puller and has a video on youtube

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