
New Member
Hiya guy's, I don't want you to reveal your secret gizmo's and gadgets so don't worry, What I would like to hear is ways in which I could make my series 2a a lot more secure.

Currently installed on her are:

1) 1970's key operated alarm system (now fitted with a modern siren from a 90's ambulance)
2) Isolator switch (hidden)
3) Isolator / emergency cut out on dash
4) padlock's with hasp and staples riveted to each door and bonnet
5) Steering lock
6) gear lever to hand brake lock (home made from scaffold tube and plate iron)

What else can I do to make it even more secure as it would break my heart if the ol' girl went missing.

Perhaps some sort of lock to secure the windows like those found on jewelers cases ?

I would fit a tracker but as with most series there isn't really anywhere to put one where it wouldn't be easy to find.
I have active infrared beams arround the parrimeter of my garden where my landy is kept. unlike passive infrared that is triggered by movement and sudden change in temp, active is 2 transmited beams recieved by the reciever. when activated it either trigers my home alarm or informs me when some one is there, no false alarms.
only any good at home i know but i only ever use it for fun so either off roading/ greenlaning or camping (and then the dog is in it) and am never far away from it.
A disc lock is best bet
Happy to give you all of my children to sleep in it overnight

- trust me ,no one in their right mind would take your vehicle if they had to have my kids too :)
Hiya guys thanks for the ideas some quite interesting ones coming out lol

Kids - no thanks, only just got rid of the nephews and nieces after a few days holiday (need a break for a few weeks to recover)

Infrared seems like a good idea, and wouldn't mind doing something similar within the ol' girl that would alert me via mobile or pager of some sort, just i don't think the council would take to kindly hacking up a main road to install sensors.

Clutch claw i've just googled and I like that idea quite a bit and may even buy one rather than send to much time making one up.

can't go for the mars bar as I'd probably be tempted to eat it meself.

car bomb... don't think my insurance would cover that.

Wheelclamp is another good idea which I like will it fit on these 205/16's though, could probably adapt one to fit by welding chins on or something and I'd need a hand to get up and down to put the thing on.

but all in all like the ideas so far, would electrifying the steering wheel or handbrake be legal ?

Thanks for the ideas guys :)
why dont you concrete the wheels into your driveway and weld the wheelnuts up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! faaaaaaakkk ..i think you already got it covered with the devices you already got on there ...... if you need to use it on monday mornings you must start unlocking it on friday...lol with all that security it would be easier to hiab it away ...LMFAO
Well, one must make it as hard as possible for the little toe-rags to pinch.

Shame I've not got a driveway I'd stick some girders into the ground nice and deep and chain the damn chassis to them lol
Well, one must make it as hard as possible for the little toe-rags to pinch.

Shame I've not got a driveway I'd stick some girders into the ground nice and deep and chain the damn chassis to them lol

:eek::eek::eek:!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO..it may be cheaper to move house to a secure compound with machinegun o.p,s and searchlights n razorwire than to spend any more on securing your beloved .....i feel your worry tho ..
Move to my part of Kent 40 odd miles west of Margate, and leave your car unlocked at night with no probs. :D

You have done everything to stop it being driven but can it be lifted and taken away?.
Do you have a check list to go through before you takeoff... sorry drive the Thanet Way. :)
lol, yeah think thats the only thing I can't prevent is it being lifted will soon find a way to stop that happening, perhaps some sort of tilt switch wired into the alarm system.

Hardly ever drive the Thanet way....
Someone suggested to me that I wire a hidden switch connected to another coil in with a spark plug in the fuel tank of my series one... That sounds a bit messy but I suppose would stop any repeat offending!

I just take the rotor arm out of the distributor, but when she's in the garage tucked up she has a wall infront and a wall behind as I drive in onto dollys, then push her sideways into the gap then off the dollys... So she'd be a right faff to get, by the time you had her out, 5 1/2 stone of English bull terrier would have eaten you

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