
Well-Known Member
Just pondering on this :rolleyes:

Since I bought another Defender in the summer, and a new house a bit earlier in the year, security has become a real nuisance.

When I last had a Defender I had parking for 4 at the front of the house and could just jump into whichever car I wanted and drive off.

Now my Defender is down the side of my house with not much room either side so difficult to get in and out in the dark. Locked gates and two cars in front.

I would be quite hard to steal. But its also a dammed pain if I want to drive it. I have to move two cars and I dont always have the keys to my daughters. Then find the drive gate keys, then reverse it out blind as its so tight I have to fold the mirrors in. Then I have to find somewhere to park it, put the cars back and finally I can go.

I like to use the car during the week and the Landy at weekends, but am finding that I dont always bother.

At what point do you take the risk and have it less secure in order to actually enjoy it.
You gotta work out a balance where your not going to worry about some one nicking it and practicality of being able to get at it
Just pondering on this :rolleyes:

Since I bought another Defender in the summer, and a new house a bit earlier in the year, security has become a real nuisance.

When I last had a Defender I had parking for 4 at the front of the house and could just jump into whichever car I wanted and drive off.

Now my Defender is down the side of my house with not much room either side so difficult to get in and out in the dark. Locked gates and two cars in front.

I would be quite hard to steal. But its also a dammed pain if I want to drive it. I have to move two cars and I dont always have the keys to my daughters. Then find the drive gate keys, then reverse it out blind as its so tight I have to fold the mirrors in. Then I have to find somewhere to park it, put the cars back and finally I can go.

I like to use the car during the week and the Landy at weekends, but am finding that I dont always bother.

At what point do you take the risk and have it less secure in order to actually enjoy it.
Get your butler to sort it out......:lol:
Forward planning.

Try to find out what everyone else will be doing carwise in relation to when you are likely to want to use your vehicle and you should then be able to strike some kind of practical compromise between security and utility.
Forward planning.

Try to find out what everyone else will be doing carwise in relation to when you are likely to want to use your vehicle and you should then be able to strike some kind of practical compromise between security and utility.

True Military commando style! Lol
bloody great chain around the steering wheel and pedals with a padlock saves any need for locking it up and doubles up when you need to winch yourself out you have a chain to go around a sutiable ground anchor
Why buy a house where parking is an issue? When I bought my first house, the criteria was;

1) Parking on own land.

2) Space for workshop/shed/animals
(and if those 2 criteria are met then)

3) The house.

A house is for eating and sleeping in, end of. Or at least thats how the mrs and myself view the situation.
Why buy a house where parking is an issue? When I bought my first house, the criteria was;

1) Parking on own land.

2) Space for workshop/shed/animals
(and if those 2 criteria are met then)

3) The house.

A house is for eating and sleeping in, end of. Or at least thats how the mrs and myself view the situation.

That's my criteria when the current one sells.
I have 3 cars on the drive, and wife's on the road, if I want the one at the top I have to move the others off. TBH, it doesn't bother me that much, same with swapping wheels every time i want to go out and play in the mud, it's just one of those things, but, the lack of garage is a right pain in the arse in winter
bloody great chain around the steering wheel and pedals with a padlock saves any need for locking it up and doubles up when you need to winch yourself out you have a chain to go around a sutiable ground anchor

You sir/madam are a complete idiot to think that would work bolt cutters, gone in 2 min or less
Not my fault about the house, I blame you lot :p

When I bought the house I had a Disco which used to live on my uncles land and I just swapped it for the car when I wanted to go somewhere.

The house has a garage and workshop bit (great for horsey stuff) a drive with room for 4 cars and I was going to get the front surfaced so I could park mine and my daughters cars side by side.

Then I bought the Defender and joined here. You now have me worried about someone nicking my girl, so she cant live at my uncles.

She doesn't really fit up the drive and certainly not in the garage but at least she is secure.

Nasty new neighbour shouts and swears if we leave cars out on the road any longer than necessary to swap them around.
Having read this and other threads together with the 'Stolen Land Rovers' section, I have come to the conclusion that Leeds should be carpet bombed.
Having read this and other threads together with the 'Stolen Land Rovers' section, I have come to the conclusion that Leeds should be carpet bombed.

Cant argue with that. Hate the place myself, only living here to keep daughter happy. As soon as she leaves I will be moving on again :D

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