
New Member
Hi All

Christmas is nearly over :)

Ok so it seems my 91 90 is taking good shape and needs a decent alarm etc to protect it from individuals who should be tortured then hurt some more.

So I am thinking of alarms, any suggestions please? Trackers? Wheel thingy lock? Etc. Happy to make it like fort knox as grown quite attached to the old girl.

Thank you

Lots of info on security on here mate - try a search :)

But mainly people fit:

Clutch claw
Hidden starter inhibit switch
Hidden fuel isolation valve

And much more...........................
As above plus:

CCTV coverage

Park blocked in by other vehicles

Park on full steering lock

Park where hard for a hiab crane to reach

Lock your keys indoors where hard to find, not by the front door!
I currently have on mine a basic alarm and immobiliser (cheap eBay one, I just want it to make noise and cut of starting relay if activated), a steering lock and a pedal lock. I haven't done any hidden switches yet as they are simple to bypass and the pedal lock isn't.

I also keep mine under a cover when im not using it, not only does it stop the rain collectiong inside the vehicle but it also hides the extra mods so is a little less 'attractive'

Not to mention the above procedures aswell, its blocked in and steering lock is facing the wall
Thank you for responses, will have new alarm fitted and a trip to a well known chain of car parts for locks.

Any paticular makes of alarms that work?

Thank you

Razor blades glued under door handles? I had a alarm on my last disco, was the worlds biggest pain as last owner fitted it badly and was a cheap one, i think with a alarm you will get what you pay for and just dont try the wrap and electric tape method of wiring (not saying you would/do) :)
I had 2 cut off switches on my q plate 88" 90 obmination, had one on the main battery live under seat with a 5amp fuse by pass for radio memory etc and a ignition switch cut off tucked under the dash, worked to, some one tryed there luck and failed :) little b*****ds,
I'd say a tracker is a pretty good idea if it's your absolute pride and joy that no other vehicle or insurance payout could replace.

Given the time and effort that's gone into mine, I'm looking at this option for next year. :)
I'm more than happy where it sits at home, just not so happy where I have to park it at work or other general public car park use.
I'd say a tracker is a pretty good idea if it's your absolute pride and joy that no other vehicle or insurance payout could replace.

Given the time and effort that's gone into mine, I'm looking at this option for next year. :)
I'm more than happy where it sits at home, just not so happy where I have to park it at work or other general public car park use.

They do some good tracker devices now that just run of a sim card, no sunscription needed. I will be fitting one and I will probably be fitting it into the chassis running off the main loom, no way they will find it there!
They do some good tracker devices now that just run of a sim card, no sunscription needed. I will be fitting one and I will probably be fitting it into the chassis running off the main loom, no way they will find it there!

Have you got a link for that? Sounds good
Satrak are fantastic trackers, but bury it deep into the dash, the longer it takes you to bury it the longer it takes them to find it, also look at a kiltech
Have to say, having had my Defender stolen off my drive a few weeks ago, the one thing I wish I had fitted was a tracker. It had an alarm and immobiliser, but they seem to have got past them without any problems.
My mate had a tracker his 90 got stolen and it was found 7 minutes after the phone call to the police

Thats brilliant!!! Gotta be worth fitting one - even if its a cheap one with sim card...............

If its nicked for parts they usually park em up some where out of the way for a few days to see if its got a tracker on it - before going back and moving it to strip it.
I was wondering. These cameras that record journeys and start when vehicle moves. If it was secreted behind grill or something would record the journey when it's stolen. Surely something could be set up to email the video to you?

Did anyone see the iPhone app that if wrong code put in 3 times phone take pic of person holding it and starts a GPS track of phone!

Think it's call Igotyou
Beware of SIM card trackers - they are easily blocked.

Speak to Ryder - he does em.

have a look at these - Mtrack
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