Unfortunately catching isn't convicting, you almost need HD video evidence these days, then you get all the BS excuses from the do gooders (I know how I'd fix them but some might think me a tad radical) then the BS from the Lawyers, the conviction then amounts to a fine that never gets paid and a smack on the wrist, they probably nick a car to get to and from the court.

What we need are some Texan rules - trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again - judiciously applied to the offenders. There was one such scrote not far from us, everyone knew it including the cops but nobody could get the little **** convicted. I think the family moved or were evicted, not sure, but either way the crime rate in the village fell when they did leave.
when my series 3 got nicked the perpatrator ADMITTED doing it while being interviewed. The CPS binned the case due to lack of evidence?:mad::mad::mad:

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