
Well-Known Member
Just had a friend with a Rover 600 ask if I know how to get his keys out of his locked boot ! Now I wasnt able to to help him as I only know the secret way into Ford Focuses and Renault Magnum trucks (dont ask :doh: ) and this led me to think is there a secret way of popping the central locking on the P38.

Now its important that you realise that I am not asking how to do it, or for anyone who thinks they have ideas to post on this open forum, just wondering if anyone knows if there is a way ? Any members here belong to the AA or RAC ? I will put a pound on Eight in a V knowing ;)
Allegedly there is involving some wires somewhere. I've pored over the wiring diagram in a bid to find them but have so far failed.

Having said that I've also completely failed to accidently lock myself out despite constantly bumping my elbow off the door lock. It always unlocks itself when the door closes. I don't know if mine is set up different in the BECM but putting the keys into the boot AFTER you have locked the doors with the boot open is the only way I can see it happening.

After writing that you can be sure something odd is going to happen, watch this post though...........
There are 2 ways into focus's. One utilising wires at the front of the car and one using the wires at the rear. If you know of the front method it will work on around 80% of modern cars including a rover 600. If you know of the rear method the way of getting into the boot of the L322 is similar.;)

As for P38's, I haven't actually had to break into one where the keys have been in the boot and covered by a parcel shelf. I've gained entry to them with keys locked in the engine bay, ignition and in the passenger areas and ALWAYS managed to get in using rods.

Knowing that P38's are prone to BECM damage I've always been reluctant to start powering up electrical circuits on them. I have to get people to sign a disclaimer to say that they understand that any damage caused in getting into a vehicle is on their head. Most people accept that the possibility of a slight graze in a door shut is an acceptable risk, As long as the member is happy for me to power up electrical circuits and understands the risks I will do it.

I had an instance where a driver locked his keys into the boot of an Aston Martin a year or so back. I was sent out to have a look and so was the guy from Aston Martin assistance. There was no acknowledged way of getting into them without causing damage. By talking to the sales guys in one of the dealerships to get him to try a couple of things out and then using a bit of brain power we managed to get into the vehicle and then the boot in under 5 mins.:cool:
Thread resurrection here, but need a bit of help getting into my l322 popped open the boot to grab something out, threw keys on top of parcel shelf while I threw the stuff out, shut the boot.... :eek: keys still on shelf! :mad: I tried pulling the top of the drivers back and passing in a 10mm copper pipe to press the unlock button, however this just set the alarm off and the car remained locked! Is there anyway I can get into the car without having a new key coded or smashing a window? Thanks
Thread resurrection here, but need a bit of help getting into my l322 popped open the boot to grab something out, threw keys on top of parcel shelf while I threw the stuff out, shut the boot.... :eek: keys still on shelf! :mad: I tried pulling the top of the drivers back and passing in a 10mm copper pipe to press the unlock button, however this just set the alarm off and the car remained locked! Is there anyway I can get into the car without having a new key coded or smashing a window? Thanks

Tow it to Liverpool and park it up with a laptop on the seat.
tomcat who lives in stockport ?? I kmow I have alzeimers & dementia but I didn't know id moved !!!!!! or wammers that I was dying ???? nobody tells me anything ????? I don't know why !!!!!! but as long as they feed me cake I don't give a feck , kind regards to u all mozz .
tomcat who lives in stockport ?? I kmow I have alzeimers & dementia but I didn't know id moved !!!!!! or wammers that I was dying ???? nobody tells me anything ????? I don't know why !!!!!! but as long as they feed me cake I don't give a feck , kind regards to u all mozz .

You lying git you told me you were dying and leaving me Megan in your will. I need someone else to wait on me hand and foot to give Sue a rest now and then. :D:D
the cake.jpg
tomcat who lives in stockport ?? I kmow I have alzeimers & dementia but I didn't know id moved !!!!!! or wammers that I was dying ???? nobody tells me anything ????? I don't know why !!!!!! but as long as they feed me cake I don't give a feck , kind regards to u all mozz .
Megan's moved and not told you.:p:D:D
Tow it to Liverpool and park it up with a laptop on the seat.
To right, only car I ever had nicked was a brand new light blue Vauxhall Chevette and that was in Liverpool despite living there and knowing all the dodgy places to park, vanished never to be seen again, think Police nicked it and stuck a blue light on its roof

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