Those PDFs are a nice little find!

Unfortunately my hippo is pre-facelift so doesn't have the larger LCD in the speedo for this, but for those with newer hippos, looks like it could be an elegant way of doing it

Once I get all the major niggles sorted with my car, I'll have to go back to the original plan which is to remove the central dash clock, and put a new display in, that I can then use to show the temperatures of several sensors I'm planning to add around the car (IRD, rear diff, VCU, and ambient, ...and time). I'll post details in a new thread once I get going on this ;-)
I'll take the a look at them when I can open them. I've found where the sensor is located, or its socket anyway. Under the front bumper below the FBH sensor. It has 2 wires to the sensor. One is Slate / Orange (SO) the other is black. The SO also goes to the Ipack socket. That's as far as I am at the moment.
is the wiring already there for it??? its the just the sensor then which you get from rimmers for £17 i think and activation which i can do with my delphi
is the wiring already there for it??? its the just the sensor then which you get from rimmers for £17 i think and activation which i can do with my delphi

No wiring present on my SE. I checked when I had the bumper off earlier. The mounting point is there below the FBH sensor but no wiring. Only 1 wire is required to go to the front as the other connection goes to earth anyway. That can be done locally behind the bumper, according to the PDF. Apparently the SO wire terminates behind the center console on non NAS models. I'll need to find someone with T4 as I don't think my recently ordered I930 will do Ipack activations.
This is now on my ever lengthening to do list!!
I've ordered a sensor, got delphi, just need to find somewhere that sells the harness plugs. do you of anywhere?

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