
New Member
Do you need to have a seat belt on in the back of a 110, i assume you do. If so will a standard self fitted seat with lap belt be law abiding and if so does it need to be officialesd. or just pass the MOT? does it need to be registered? cheers
as one to add. checked at a couple of mot places and seatbealts are not checked in a 1985 v8 90. got 2 forward facing foldups with seatbelts as bugger trying to hold on in a crash!
I think if a vehicle is registered before 1986 and seat belts have never been fitted it is not required to fit any in the rear. If it was registered after there is only a requirement on stand alone seats.

Thats why you dont need a seat belt on a bus... theyre mostly bench seats...
ive heard something about inward facing seats dont need belts cos they wouldnt work as intended in a head on collision..
I stuck some benches in the back of my 90 (2001reg) for the dogs... so no belts needed... passed it's MOT no probs.

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