
Well-Known Member
Anyone of you peeps use seat covers or can suggest some that actually fit the front seats well? Mine are (well the driver one as thats all i use) constantly coming off withe full design of the freebie seats are ther any specifically tailored for the freebie 1 that are cheap..?
I have some that stay on. Proper cheap. Haven't a firkin clue where I got them from. It was a stall at peterborough show. I shall have a look and see if there is any labels on them tomorrow
I have got a drivers side seat cover for a 3 door. gen Landrover waterprofs seat cover fits realy well has a bit that goes between seat back and base so never slips £20 plus postage as new condition. Or I have a pair of climate covers 3door £40 plus postage as new condition black.
hi we have some on our commercial defender and rr the only ones that fit like a glove are the ones from landrover which we have fitted
Landrover waterproofs

yes they are but we buy from the same dealer all the time and tell him if he wants a sale fit the covers lol ours are alot tighter fitting
That pic isnt realy fitted right its got a foam bar that wedges between the seat base and back pulling it much tighter it was a pic taken to sell the other one i had bought 2 from ebay but they were both drivers sides
Its a commercial so im only after some cbeap fronts i dont doubt yrs are worth it but i dont really want to get k er £20 someone will gjve you more than imnlooking to spend if you pop tbem in the sale section..
I thought that was a fair price to be honest. I was going to get some town an country ones before I got mine. They are £80 on eBay just for fronts. Pretty sure mine were £30 for front pair but there are no labels. I shall take a pic tomorrow.
I have genuine seat covers on my works discovery and the bloody things always coming out. If mine were hassle I wouldn't have them
Seems a bit pointless spendin lots on seat covers wben there plenty of leather seats about from breakers on fleabay for my purposes anyway..

Bin liner no no its not a defender
These are mine. I never have To adjust them and they don't ruffle up even though they arnt a tight fit


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