
Looking for a bit of advice please. Just got a set of brand new wheels and tyres for my defender. I heard from someone that I would be wise to seal the inside of them with sillicone. Has anyone done this? Does it work? Someone else said to me that I must use a product called tiger seal because normal sillicone will damage them. Any comments or experiences would be much appreciated.
Thanks for the reply but I was talking about sealing them on the outside of the rim in the gap where the rust always seems to start. I can see that tiger sealing the tyre on would be a problem!
Thanks for the reply but I was talking about sealing them on the outside of the rim in the gap where the rust always seems to start.


Ive never heard of this before. Sounds like paranoia.

My modulars have been on my defender for 3 years in my ownership they were on when i bought it.

There is no rust on mine. I imagine if you don't seal it properly or somehow the silicone lifts after you've done it you will trap water and cause it to rust though.
I have heard of it before its up to you really means you need to re paint them as the tiger seal is usually black

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