Am I missing some thing? He says he bought parts for a Defender not a Disco. Just read his statement again to make sure.

I don't think you've missed anything, there's precious little to miss considering we know next to nothing apart from what some bloke said.....
He might have sold his disco and bought a defender and not changed his avatar. So when is he going to say some thing?

I dont like to be sceptical but I'd certainly want more than the say so of a virtually anonymous poster before publicly trashing anyone's reputation without them being given an opportunity to put their side of the story across.

Does this mean the usual suspects are still suspected of suspicious activity?
Does anyone here know verminextermin beyond a random, anonymous very inactive poster on the internet who appears to have had no interaction with anyone on LZ in real life?

Just wondering

Not sure what your trying to get at there?

What has the lack of interaction on LZ got to do with my post ?

My post was put up to give a heads up to any one who might give a F£$ck as to who they are giving there address to when buying from the internet.

Might just be a small in-expensive item like a keyring, the seller then has a clue to what you could have sat in your garage.
Not every one is online smart.

Just to add to my post;

There was no interest by the Police until the seller made a complaint against me. Now I am the bad guy!!!
The seller has removed all listings but he might be using another account.
I bought the parts near the Manchester area.

All the talk about name and shame, go on a field trip, get a gun etc makes my post seem well worth posting.
Not sure what your trying to get at there?

What has the lack of interaction on LZ got to do with my post ?

My post was put up to give a heads up to any one who might give a F£$ck as to who they are giving there address to when buying from the internet.

Might just be a small in-expensive item like a keyring, the seller then has a clue to what you could have sat in your garage.
Not every one is online smart.

Just to add to my post;

There was no interest by the Police until the seller made a complaint against me. Now I am the bad guy!!!
The seller has removed all listings but he might be using another account.
I bought the parts near the Manchester area.

All the talk about name and shame, go on a field trip, get a gun etc makes my post seem well worth posting.

All I'm getting at is I don't know you from Adam or any background or history to this story.

You post asking 3 questions over four years, make a serious accusation against someone without naming them and don't give any follow up for 4 days.

What am I supposed to make of that? It could be exactly as you say or you might have a grudge against him. How would I or anyone else here know the difference?

It's nothing personal and I hope it works out well but some evidence would be preferable before the lynch mob saddles up :)
probably it would be better to name the person by their seller name and area, then people could look out for them and be wary , there is no need to go around with guns or anything else just do not buy of them and that will harm them more .as you said he has already taken all of his items off.
That's the problem in this country, if this situation happened elsewhere or within the Muslim community here they would be a second thought about a lynch mob paying him a visit or thinking that o we may get into trouble. They go sort it out. If us British people started to get off our backsides and took action rather than debating the morals/why yet hey did it and any other phycologics this country wouldn't be in such a mess
These are my views only and do not mean to offend anyone in the process.
That's the problem in this country, if this situation happened elsewhere or within the Muslim community here they would be a second thought about a lynch mob paying him a visit or thinking that o we may get into trouble. They go sort it out. If us British people started to get off our backsides and took action rather than debating the morals/why yet hey did it and any other phycologics this country wouldn't be in such a mess
These are my views only and do not mean to offend anyone in the process.

I agree but after the police did not see my side I try to steer clear of getting into trouble if his exact location or very close then it would not matter if he changed is user name, or set up another account people would know it is him after all maybe he was just innocent, and just wanted to look at another landy, which I can not believe but being as the id of the person will not be reviled we will never know .
Hi to all.
I recently bought some parts for my Defender on Ebay from a guy about 20 ish miles away from my home. He seemed a nice guy and his place looked clean tidy and well cared for. I paid the money for me bits and was happy.
Two nights later Same guy caught on my CCTV 3.17AM having a real good look at my truck and other vehicles, he didnt steal anything but now he knows what I have etc.
He must have got my postal address from Ebay as I used the buy it now.

Plod not that interested so I went and had a "word" with him :).

Increased my security and moved most vehicles but not slept well since!!.

Just thought I would share it with you, If your buying stuff online etc !!

What was his excuse for being around your vehicles ? Especially
at that hour. I was in the security industry for over 20 years and can confirm that a lot of crime involving theft happens around 3AM in the morning when most decent people are in a sound sleep and don't know who is sneaking around.
I hate getting off my fence when things get heated in here but, please people think carefully about what you write on a PUBLIC forum. There is nothing to say that the person in question isn't already a member here, there are quite a few after all.
Just imaging if 'Mr x' happened to get shot this weekend or beaten to a pulp etc... I know where I'd be looking if I was a copper. Somebody has a recently reported issue with this guy so he gets investigated, police confiscate his PC etc and off we go.

I realise that this may sound far fetched but it does happen, believe me!

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