I always use the concentrated stuff straight in the winter, not only prevents the bottle from freezing but will usually keep your nozzles working too - in summer (ok, in warmer weather) I have never found anything better than Clearalex for nice clear glass.

Clearalex comes in a small sachet (I used to get it at Esso stations) but it is getting more difficult to find. One small satchet will be enough for most water bottles and in winter you can add up to 25% meths for anti-freeze.

There is another additive very similar to Clearalex which also comes in small satchets, but it's not as good - can't remember it's name.
if its cold enough to freeze the water in the washers i dont follow the car in front close enough to get hit by the crap off its tyres
if its cold enough to freeze the water in the washers i dont follow the car in front close enough to get hit by the crap off its tyres

i was getting hit by it when i was 50yards back at 45mph this evening on the way home from work and i still needed to wash the screen every few mins
if its cold enough to freeze the water in the washers i dont follow the car in front close enough to get hit by the crap off its tyres

Yep, I do this too, but there's always some smart-arse who will insist on overtaking and filling up the gap.
Never anything less than gourmet **** rated at -25. Discovered Comma radioactive **** in Halfords - rated to -65 when used neat, -25 mixed 50/50. The mix worked fine for me in the -14 we had up here recently. The interesting thing is the Halfords own-brand gourmet **** was £2.40 a litre in the 2.5L can, but a litre of Comma (4 quid) is 2 quid a litre when diluted for the same rating.

I can't comment on what it does to shiny paintwork - I don't have any (the joys of driving a scab-bag).

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