
New member here - very new - ten minutes in :)

I have a RR Vogue Autobiography Black - 4.4 petrol (soon to be LPG)

It has an upgraded screen - came with the car - cost £650 - I have the receipt.

But there are some issues......

The radio reception is terrible on am and fm
A window keeps opening saying I am running low on space
The microphone is terrible - if I am moving nobody can understand me unless I lean forward and get within 5 inches
The steering wheel radio controls do not work
The onboard computer that tells you MPG, distance to empty, average speed etc does not seem to be in the unit.:mad:
It would be nice if when on the phone the GPS still worked on a split screen - but the phone over rides the voice (which is OK) but also the phone controls appear on the screen and you cannot access the map.
I cannot upload the names in my phone to the unit
So I need to replace it with something that actually works and that I snot too expensive.

Does anyone here have any ideas?

I need someone to do it (have looked at the youtube stuff that claims it is a 15 minute job and do not believe it for one second - perhaps if you have one degree in extreme cleverness and another in automotive electrics - sadly I do not):(

I am based in South Wales.

Is there help out there?????

Can i assume this is not a genuine Land Rover upgrade?

What model year is your car??

OK answers from me:

The car is a 2004

I'm not complaining about the cost of RR ownership - I have hardware that makes a RR look both cheap and reliable - LOL! The point I (unfortunately) failed to make was that the unit is unfit for purpose and I require one that will do what I want of it.

Pretty sure this is not genuine RR kit - Ebay special bought by the previous owner.

Hopefully that is a help . . . so hopefully someone cn point me in the right direction

Many thanks in advance

I never questioned the cost or your ability to pay for it.... I just assumed based on the faults you are having with it, that is was not a OEM upgrade as some of the features were/are not Land Rover/Range Rover usual features and as such pointed to an aftermarket upgrade akin to an android powered device or similar....

I don't give a flying monkey whether or not you have 'other hardware' that makes a Range Rover look cheap - who gives a flying crap - this isn't a 'willy measuring exercise'.

If the unit is not fit for purpose, then replace it for one that is.

The MPG, Range, Average speeds etc are all controlled via the vehicles original unit - which has obviously been replaced with this 'upgrade'. If you have the receipt then maybe contacting the original installers for advice may be the first port of call. Failing that, there are options on the bay of E for other Android/Windows based devices that could be retro-fitted at a reasonable cost, or maybe even putting it back to the original setup.
OK so my reply. . . . . .

Looking at the original replies someone (maybe not you) said that I shouldn't own a RR then complain about then costs - My reply was an attempt to answer all and make a point - which I clearly failed to do and rubbed you up the wrong way in the process - so apologies.

Not attempting to willy wave

Not trying to be antagonistic

I will continue my search

Thank you all

What other replies? :D

This post (now) has 6 posts - 3 from you and 3 from me.....are you hearing voices again?? :D:D:D:D

The L322 is a complex beast that if upgrades are being fitted to, then they have a tendency to throw a wobbler and sulk. Do you happen to know the make/model of the upgraded unit, or even post a photo of it, there may be someone who has had experience of the same or similar unit.

You could also try www.fullfatrr.co.uk as they are more into the later model Range Rovers and upgrading them....a member on there called Joe90 is pretty 'Sierra Hotel' on the L322 wiring, data systems and upgrades - he fitted a Windows PC in his and controls it from the original touchscreen!!
Saint wtf, you are normally so kind and above that kind of juvenile crap, what gives......very hot today I know but you are usually a paragon of decency to newbies, and me....which is commendable to say the least.

I read it as newbie being humorous, not hanging his cock out the window, lol.
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Saint wtf, you are normally so kind and above that kind of juvenile crap, what gives......very hot today I know but you are usually a paragon of decency to newbies, and me....which is commendable to say the least.

I read it as newbie being humorous, not hanging his cock out the window, lol.
Thank you for your kind words.....

I have had a pretty grotty day I admit, Long story short, I am the chairman of our shooting club and last year we had to eject a member for threatening behaviour.

It all got shirty and it ended up with his firearms office revoking his FAC and we were asked not to return any of his firearms to him.

I contacted this guy a couple of weeks ago to say we still have his firearms in our armoury and he has until the end of the month to arrange an RFD to sell them as we have had them in storage for over a year now.

He has arranged for an RFD to collect, but I get the impression he will kick up merry hell in the meantime, and cause us no end of grief....and I am just a little wound about it all I guess as I don't want anything further to do with him.

So, sorry if I was being curt and short, not intended, just a tad rattled today is all.
Jeez, a bad egg in a gun club is a scary thing.
Sorry for calling you out.

Weird parallel for you, I was talking to a gun club member who fell mouth and nose onto his rifle and fubard his £900 sights and broke two ribs into the bargain last week.....I asked him if it hurt, his reply .....Only when I laugh......which I tittered at!
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I would be interested to find out the spec of this "Vogue Autobiography". It sounds like you have a double din head unit running android from ebay in there, they are sometimes used to replace the "standard" LR/BMW MK3/4 with 16:9 screen hardware that would normally be in there. Unless its actually a HSE where it might not have had navigation. Its a popular upgrade for cars with nothing. If you could put some pictures of the interior and exterior of the car we could try and work out what it should have and go from there.

The original MK3/4 navigation computer (if fitted) might still be in the boot area on the left hand side behind the panel.

It may be that its got wet/died and someone has chosen to "upgrade" to the android based unit. There are lots on the market and some can be quite good. Remember though that your 02-05 L322 is essentially a BMW E39 from an electronics point of view - much of the information available on those applies to the early L322's.

Denso provided a Touch screen unit which was quite similar in appearance to the BMW derived 16:9 screen in the MY06 onwards vehicles, I believe in petrol vehicles it coincided with the AJV8 (4.4 and 4.2 S/C) and 6 speed gearbox whilst the TD6 did get the Denso system until its eventual demise for MY07.

Very odd - you and I can see different things it's clear.

Cut and paste below in quotes of one of the comments that I can see:
"2.0_hippo;2490176 said:
Can't own a Range Rover and then complain about the costs that go with owning one :rolleyes:"

So that out of the way I will take a look tomorrow and see what make it is - no make on the surround but there is a logo when you switch it on - and I'll take pictures too.

Also, I found out tonight that the lights on it don't work either. There was I driving down the A1 with the torch function on my mobile pointing at the controls so I could see where the buttons were.

Very safe - NOT!

That is a quote from another member in my signature at the bottom of every post I make......

If you have a read of them all, you'll see they are from different members whose post I like and have put them in my signature......

So, that out of the way.....We await the pictures on the morrow.

Still no make - maybe they are ashamed to badge it :)
When I switch it on it comes up with a name on the screen - A Sure
When I switch to sat nav it comes up with "I go" and "my way".

Photos to follow but does that help at all??

Thank you for that - Thanks a lot!!
I did search for it but found nothing useful so a link is brilliant.
I will contact them
A local guy gave me a quote for a Pioneer all working £2,200 - painful.
Kin regards

Good news....... I know what I go is, bad news......... it's cheap Chinese crap, which is no longer supported on naviextras updates. How do I know? Because I bought a cheap,Satnav 4" screen from Geek, for the Volvo, which happens to be I go. It works fine but I can't update it,contacted naviextras, who explained why.
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I went all down this road. Ended up selling the cheap chinese unit a re-purchesing all the old stock bits back at great expence.

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