
New Member
Hi all,
just a quick one (dont we all just love them). I just cant stop my front disks screeching, ive put loads of copper grease on the back of the pads and all the necessary parts but it just hasnt helped. The pads have done it since i put them in only about 1000 miles ago and if anything are slowly getting loader and loader. Any ideas.
wtf is loader and loader??

and are you sure there isn't a stone or such like caught between the back plate and the disc
No stones just alot of brake dust.Had them off 3 times now cant find anything wrong.They were very cheap pads could this have anything to do with the screech when brakeing.
if u work cheap pads hard and get them hot then it can change properties very slighty which can squeak. it shud pass with time.
bet yer never filed orft the leading edge of the disc's , its a pain cos its a 4wd un the back edge yer cant get to less yer strip it all down. . .but that will cure it . . .:) :) :)

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