
Well-Known Member

Just by chance today I was driving down hill and I thought I'd prat about, so I turned the engine off and put my 90 into neutral. There was a kind of screaming sound. I've only ever heard it once before whilst my car was stationary (I was turning the engine over on the starter from cold). What the hell is it!?

It's got me stumped,
My guess would be the Transfer box... With the gearbox in neutral your engine is disconnected from the gearbox but the axles are still connected to the transfer box. With the transfer box in neutral, I'd imagine it disconnects the transfer box from the gearbox but the transfer box may still spin up.
That's impossible though isn't it? There can only be movement inside the transfer box from two causes. The first cause being the drive from my engine (through the gearbox), the second cause being from the movement of my wheels. I've heard the noise once while free coasting down hill with the engine off and out of gear, which would mean that my transfer box was rotating off the front and rear wheels only because the engine wasn't running and I was out of gear. The second time i've heard the noise was whilst starting my engine from stationary and not in gear, therefore there was no drive from my engine to the transfer box and none from the wheels either, which I'm hoping rules it out!

The noise seemed a bit further in front though too, not more or less underneath me :confused:

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how loud was it? Was it constant, or in time with bumps etc?

could you hear it over the engine?

are you sure they are the same sounds? :)
More likely to be the child and mother trapped under it coz the driver was concentrating on grappling 2 tonnes of careering out-of-control steel with no brakes, locked steering and the worry of a "new" screaming noise and didn't notice the zebra crossing!
i once took me disco to a garage cos i had a dodgy sound underneeth, sounded like something hadnt quite felloff,he found a small trafic cone stuck under it.........how stupid did i feel.......
Not as stupid as the student whose head it had been on 10 minutes earlier (or was he clinging on drunk underneath too???)
More likely to be the child and mother trapped under it coz the driver was concentrating on grappling 2 tonnes of careering out-of-control steel with no brakes, locked steering and the worry of a "new" screaming noise and didn't notice the zebra crossing!

LMAO, wondering how the fooking hell he managed to steer with the ignition off, must have arms like Greg Valentino. :D
i have no power steering, i steer my landy too...

I dnt have a leaky servo either, so i can stop without the engine.

And my steering lock works like it should, so it wnt come on unless you take the keys out. Can switch it off without removing keys you know...
thats very good way of fooooooooooooooooking that thing they call a gear box up good and proper, ask your self,why do you see break down trucks towing vehicles in reverse, cus they have rear wheel drive, so they dont fooooooooooooooook the gear box up.and the same when towing lorrys if they tow them forward they always take the prop off cus it foooooooooooooookkssssssssssssssssss the gearbox up message now relayed to brain over and out
i have no power steering, i steer my landy too...

I dnt have a leaky servo either, so i can stop without the engine.

And my steering lock works like it should, so it wnt come on unless you take the keys out. Can switch it off without removing keys you know...

A vehicle with power steering is much heavier to steer with the ignition off than one without power steering. Its to do with the hydraulics in the power steering pump. :rolleyes: :p :D
Yeah agreed. A European Eagle Owl weighs more than ur regular chicken. But wots taht got to do with the screaming noise? Wanna hear the answer
A vehicle with power steering is much heavier to steer with the ignition off than one without power steering. Its to do with the hydraulics in the power steering pump. :rolleyes: :p :D

i know, also power steering boxes/racks have fewer turns lock to lock so you have to turn harder.

It still aint all that hard to steer one without the engine assistance though. :)
thats very good way of fooooooooooooooooking that thing they call a gear box up good and proper, ask your self,why do you see break down trucks towing vehicles in reverse, cus they have rear wheel drive, so they dont fooooooooooooooook the gear box up.and the same when towing lorrys if they tow them forward they always take the prop off cus it foooooooooooooookkssssssssssssssssss the gearbox up message now relayed to brain over and out

this is utter garbage!

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