Ok, you've got me intrigued....what is G3 (or G10)? Its not product name that I've heard around here...
Oh thanks for that - really cheared me up.

I was horrified at the price when I bought mine, but I paid less than it is on eBay - so much happier now :D
LOL, well I was wrong!

He's the landy nut, but it's his missus to be that had the idea for the Landies to turn up in convoy. They're being driven from church to reception in the back of a GS 101, hopefully open top .. ;) Pictures will be available after the wedding, but it's months away yet.

.. and it's her that says so long as the insides are clean she doesn't care if the outsides are gash, scratchy, muddy, she wants them in whatever state they come in ... ALL TO PLEASE HIM!!!!!!!

She was chuffed when she heard I had askd about geting rid of the scratches, but says not to bother, she likes it as is!

Heheheh, result .. ;)

Might still try this G3 stuff later ...
thinks mines past cutting paste

LOL, well I was wrong!

He's the landy nut, but it's his missus to be that had the idea for the Landies to turn up in convoy. They're being driven from church to reception in the back of a GS 101, hopefully open top .. ;) Pictures will be available after the wedding, but it's months away yet.

.. and it's her that says so long as the insides are clean she doesn't care if the outsides are gash, scratchy, muddy, she wants them in whatever state they come in ... ALL TO PLEASE HIM!!!!!!!

She was chuffed when she heard I had askd about geting rid of the scratches, but says not to bother, she likes it as is!

Heheheh, result .. ;)

Might still try this G3 stuff later ...
use it with plenty water dont let it dry out ;)
A thread all about polishing out gashed D1's - love it :D:D

Hehehehm yeah. Soon as I posted I thought I shouldn't have done that, fair ammunition for a ****-take .. ;)

But it was in a good cause ... ;)
I should just about get all my scratches out in time to go laning again :D

Though I may not bother - considering attaching some bling instead :D:D:D:D

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