alrite lad official got the classic back now sittin on me drive gassed up an fully loaded so ye need to get me sum dates so a can join ye all again saw ye m8 in oggyshore with sol on the plate lookin good now popped down to yours earlier told ye dad to say ad bin down m8 hope ye dont mind like giz a bell wen ye can so we can catch up nice 1
so wats the next dates then fella gonna be a sissy an takin it easy for first few runs in this one lol at momoent seems to good to be true dont wanna break the c**t before av started lol sweet lookin care for now an done its use today by pullin 2 trees down in fazak garage boss fun like
no its poo like but ye up for hill n ditch no its for pussies like but only 15 mins away in facyt forget that remark snowdonia it is
craig any coolant expansion caps around m8 mines ****in steam out fella leakin like **** overlanders none in stock aqn aint payin speke lanny centre prices ???????????????????? need help not leakin from anywere else thought me had a head gasket problem looming sayin that how hard to take the rad out might be silted up ????????

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