
This club was formed about a year ago solely for the purpose of driving the Green Roads of Scotland, which differ slightly from those of England and Wales in that most of the routes are on private land. This has the advantage that we get to places where the general public don't have access.
There have been several runs in the past year, the next one being this coming Sunday, 12th February. Details are on the SGRC Website.
One of the very first things I learned was when you design a website make any and all audio optionally closable immediately ... that scared the hell out of me and my kids!!!!
The tune is Athol Highlander. It's the tune of the only private army in Europe. Based at Blair Athol.
PS Don't tell Sandy, but I turn the sound off!! :cool:
Well, we're just over a year old and we have over 80 members, which is superb, considering we expected to have about 20. We've done 10 runs since last March and aim to do about one a month.
Well done to Sandy for forming the Club.
Congratulations ... I live roughly half-way between you and Blair Athol but sadly am never able to join any of the runs because I work constant night-shift which includes Sunday to Thursday nights.
:D I just registered! Although me and my Landy live in the Far North, hopefully we'll get a chance to trundle down and join you on an adventure
Excellent run on 22nd. Lots of photographs on the website.
Next run wil be on 20th May, venue to be finalised.
Wooohooo ... I'm on holiday that week-end so if all goes well MOT wise (fingers, toes, eyes crossed) I should be able to join y'all, I better get joined up.
Another excellent run on Sunday 20th May. Very good turn out and the weather was fabulous. Hundreds of photographs in the Website.
Next run should be on 10th June, venue to be finalised.
Looks good.

Must remember next year when we're planning on a Scotland trip .. that way I have a reasonable excuse to leave the Mondeo behind and take the Disco .. ;)
Details of the run planned for Sunday 10th June are now on SGRC Website and in the Forum.
If you mean the channel that Sandy, Andy and I use, I've no idea what frequency it's on, as Andy usually sets the hand held up and hands it to me all ready to go.
We normally use ch7UK on the CB's. No idea why someone once chose ch7!!
Andy will tell you what frequency we use, or ask on SGRC Forum and Sandy may be able to help.
After a Summer break, the next run will be on Sunday 9th September. Details are still being finalised and will be on the Website soon.
The run on 9th September will be from Butterbridge. Details are on the Website and in the Club forum.

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