Was offroading on some land just before christmas and have been reported to the police and now getting charged for this.
To access this land we turned of a back road and onto a dirt track which had no gate or signage whatsoever.
The police officer told me he had done some research and found out who the land owner was and contacted him to confirm we had no permission to be there.

Can i really get charged for going onto a bit of land that had no gate or no entry signs?

Copper obviously more interested in wasting time finding out who owns land than catching people who mug old ladies or the like.

Pretty sad when youre just out trying to enjoy yourself.

No dedicated areas up near me for offroading. and who really wants to drive on the road all the time? haha
Was offroading on some land just before christmas and have been reported to the police and now getting charged for this.
To access this land we turned of a back road and onto a dirt track which had no gate or signage whatsoever.
The police officer told me he had done some research and found out who the land owner was and contacted him to confirm we had no permission to be there.

Can i really get charged for going onto a bit of land that had no gate or no entry signs?

If you were driving on private land, then hell yes.

I have responded to the OP, with the correct course of action and advice as I actually live in Scotland and understand and obey (mostly) the law.
I don't think its for discussion on an open forum.
Go build your wall!
OK, but would it not be useful to let the rest of the Forum know the score here rather than getting all precious? I live in Scotland too and I believe I understand the Outdoor Access Code, but clearly a lot of people who visit our lovely landscape do not....
OK, but would it not be useful to let the rest of the Forum know the score here rather than getting all precious? I live in Scotland too and I believe I understand the Outdoor Access Code, but clearly a lot of people who visit our lovely landscape do not....
Not getting precious. I gave him legal advice in relation to his unique set of circumstances.

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