Haha, I noticed that earlier and had the distinct feeling that if it was said face to face someone would be occupying a very small, intimate and intense world of pain :D

Uppercut jab to the jaw would cease someone being able to say it ever again :p
i wouldnt ever call anyone love, its so derogatory.

I hate being called "babe" or "darling" or any such crap like that.... or "lad" I had some 24 year old in a meeting call me lad the other day. Ohh i could have slapped the $%£%"$ :)
i wouldnt ever call anyone love, its so derogatory.

I hate being called "babe" or "darling" or any such crap like that.... or "lad" I had some 24 year old in a meeting call me lad the other day. Ohh i could have slapped the $%£%"$ :)

Ok babe, noted.
You're MEAN

i'm going to drive there all by myself and then ignore you all weekend

:boink: back at yer.




(im prewriting the resposnses akin to the sort of argument myself and the better half of my marriage have)
and Rosie, if you dont join our caravan we will make you camp next to spirit.... who will obviously be wrestling bears, whilst playing the guitar surrounded by flames (so a dangerous place to be)
and Rosie, if you dont join our caravan we will make you camp next to spirit.... who will obviously be wrestling bears, whilst playing the guitar surrounded by flames (so a dangerous place to be)

Ok I join… going to have to upgrade the locks and get some additional security on my landy so it's safe for me to sleep :eek:
Im going to electrify my tent zips, hes not picky I have heard so I dont feel safe!

Im pretty sure itll be like a scene from the original jurassic park with the raptor paddock thing... he will test the defences!
No, I have a wedding to attend on the Saturday.

sack that off, itll be boring, 2 people get together down an aisle, say a load of gumph to one another (when they can just say yes) , then theres a party and everyone gets hammered and then everyone goes to bed regretting all the dad dancing they have done in the morning and generally feeling crap.

There its like you have already been.

What time you want to meet?
Im going to electrify my tent zips, hes not picky I have heard so I dont feel safe!

Im pretty sure itll be like a scene from the original jurassic park with the raptor paddock thing... he will test the defences!

Hopefully he wont go :eek:

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