
Friends, I took my beloved P38 on its second continental trip to Holland last month and was privileged to visit the resort of Scheveningen just north of The Hague. I parked in the dunes car park at the north end of the town and on attempting to lock the car there was no response from the central locking. A bad feeling ensued so I thought I'd attempt to start it - for peace of mind you understand. I was met with the 'Engine Disabled' warning script so I tried reprogramming a couple of time to no avail. I then went looking for a place to get new batteries for the remote and found the holy grail. A small private owner auto accessory shop with stuff piled to the ceiling. The guy speaks A1 English and after we mangled the battery cover of the remote, unsuccessfully trying to get it off, he asked me what the symptoms were. He then asked where the car was parked. I told him. He then asked if it was at the top of the hill or the bottom. The top I replied. He smiled and advised that I move the car further down the hill and try again. 'Why', I asked. He went on to say that there is a pretty powerful transmitter overlooking the car park at the top of said car parkI returned to the car and with the wifes assistance we pushed the car from its parking space and manhandled it some 15 meters down the hill away from the transmitter to another space where the rangie burst into life instantly. You live and learn eh? Could any moderators advise whether I'd get a good spanking for plugging this guy and his shop for being the epitome of a good samaritan?
Aslong as you are not getting any gain from mentioning him/his business you'll be OK...

Most often to avoid confusion or comeback it is customary to put 'No affliation, just a satisfied customer' when quoting parts places/prices/reccomenations etc....
Other than the help he freely gave in the form of advice, the only advantage I get is good karma for letting others know he is there. The shop is: 'High Speed Automaterialen', Gevers Deytnootweg 1154, 2586 HN Scheveningen. Tel. 070=354.12.27.
To be honest , other than the usual accessories, he does some kinky stuff like original and really nice repro stuff for old Alfas and Fiats like chrome scripts for rare beasts like Fiat Dinos, Alfettas and the like. Hope I haven't overstepped the mark but this guy really helped me out. :)
Surely the message you need to take away is that you need to change the RF receiver to one of the modern ones that don't take a crap every time they are left within the reaches of a transmitter.
I appreciate that some transmitters are stronger than others but if you don't have the latest rxer you will soon have the same problem in tesco car park or a petrol station.

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