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Be interesting to read what you have to say about Power Pill UK Ltd

I have ordered some to chuck in the cab. Will let you know if there's any improvement - or otherwise!
If you're not sure, then just give it a go - you don't have to sign up for life!

Tim Matthews – e-Business Development

In other wurds, it dunt do ****all, but if every mug just buys one pill yer'll mek me rich !

sucker !
It mentioned TX1 taxis in the testimonials so thought it wouldn't break the bank to give it a go. if I don't get 100mpg I'll slate the stuff on here and lots of other forums (forie?)
As you will all know, us cabbies are noted for being a tight lot so I thought that if other drivers had invested in this magic pill I migh be thought of as poverty stricken if I didn't join them.
sorry mate but WORRA LOADA OLD BOLLIX why don't ya just **** in the tank, it'll have the same effect
nah ! its true. i've even seen a pill yer give to gaylanders, it makes em last longer and make them a bit harder.

its called gayagra
FFs, the EU has removed the Sulphur from road fuel so that is a load of cobblers, and this little gem has just had me in stitches.

PowerPill raises the octane / cetane number of the fuel without compromising the original specification of the fuel

So it raises Octane AND Cetane numbers. Fook me, it must be creatin a wormhole inside yer cylinder anorl...
The website says this on the instructions page:

"It is strongly recommended with both petrol and diesel vehicles with regular tank sizes (50-60 litres) that if you do not see any improvement in miles per tank after four or five tanks of fuel using the Power Pill that you have the fuel filter replaced on your vehicle - this is inexpensive and will give you the ultimate performance thereafter."

so basically, use this stuff, if nothing happens, change your fuel filter and then it will be better.....
Hee hee, putting yer motor on the pill? Hee hee haa haa ha ah a h haha aahh ah ah h ah a hah ha ha hhaha haha hhahah ahhah ah aha ah h eh heh ehehehh e heeeh eh eeheheh heheh eh eh ehehe heh hehe eheh eh he he, aww, thas made me larf that has.

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