
New Member
Well guys not been on for a while...lots of work...BUT I would like to wish all you lot a good future with your Freelanders. I will from tomorrow no longer be in the gang.
After spending a lot of money over the last month on general repairs servicing etc. This week the Freebie went all nuts and decided to destroy the IRD plus the rear diff mount and when the mech was underneath he also dicovered a leaky rear brake drum plus, oil in the clutch and many other pieces of joy.
Total to repair 3000.00€. The mech is a mate and basically told me to scrap the car a this price did not include the VCU, and the labour alone was over a grand.
I have cut my losses taken it to the local dealer and sold it for a grand.
I am gutted...BUT what do I do I do not have this kind of money plus the timingbelt is also due.
So goodbye all I may stop in for a chat now and then BUT sorry to say I will be buying another BMW for sure.....:(:(
Shud of burnt the fooker?? :D

Did ask Red but as it wouldnt drive and was still in the garage on the ramp, he was reluctant to torch it..and also something about you cant put petrol in a diesel...Hope all is good with you dude!;)
Cheers mad..will miss this place even though I have been quiet this year, lots of work , change of house...and loss of internet for 5 mths..Spain eh...but it been fooking sunny for months...he...he...I will still call in for a chat though.:eek:

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