No More Freelanders?
Under that name anyway
Sadly true. The last one built in halewood is in the gaydon motor museum. Born on the 3rd october 2014 with a small ceremony on the 4th to honour it being the last uk built FL2. And the last one to wear the Freelander badge. It's possible they continued to make them in India for a very short time in the sister plant after this but its not known or confirmed. So we consider it to be the last one built. Metropolis spec in aintree green. The ceremony was small so as not to take away media coverage of the disco sport at the time.

But fear not for the ethos of freelandering will still live on in all other future landrover products. Independent suspension, a heater that works, rust proofing and go anywhere ability in style and comfort... ;)
Ere it is :)



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