personally I think planting a lawn is the sign of decline of any civilization. You have to keep on cutting it with a lawn mower, knowing well in advance that it will grow up again, you keep on cutting the damned thing and it grows back again. Not only that, instead of trying to figure out how to make it stop growing, you would give it more help to grow thicker and faster, so you would need to cut it more often! This must be what ended the Romans and dinasours.
However if you insist on having a lawn the best way to solve your problem with least effort is keeping half a dozzen chickens :)

I completely agree with you. I was thinking about having a lawn but it takes too much time to take care of it...
personally I think planting a lawn is the sign of decline of any civilization. You have to keep on cutting it, knowing well in advance that it will grow up again, you keep on cutting the damned thing and it grows back again. Not only that, instead of trying to figure out how to make it stop growing, you would give it more help to grow thicker and faster, so you would need to cut it more often! This must be what ended the Romans and dinasours.
However if you insist on having a lawn the best way to solve your problem with least effort is keeping half a dozzen chickens :)
+1, chickens dig holes everywhere and cover everything with chicken****. I ended up building a run and locking them up so at least we only have a brown rectangle full of holes rather than mantraps all over the back lawn.

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