
Well-Known Member
Since brit exit apparently we are not allowed meat or dairy products into france does anyone have any tips on smuggling in me favorite bacon, sausage and cheddar
Was thinking of somewhere with plenty of space and cool so had already thought of my pants but the wife said she'd have to stick to rice crispies
Since brit exit apparently we are not allowed meat or dairy products into france does anyone have any tips on smuggling in me favorite bacon, sausage and cheddar

We have found an English butcher here.
sends it overnight frozen and we pick up. Sure there is something/someone in France like that.

Cheese can’t help.

I just like a good old fry up and patisserie first morning in France was a bit surprised when I noticed the new regulations will be stocking up at carrefour
There are butchers in France who butcher a la Anglaise. We use them but they are bloody expensive and the carriage, being in a cool truck, costs half as much again, only worth using if you stay over here as long as we do. This is the bloke we use.

As for cheese, why the F would you want to bother with Brit cheese when there is so much choice of great stuff over here?
never been keen on french meat or food tbh (apart from baguettes)Spanish food i find far better and they do decent steaks

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